rainbow bottledsand- bottledsand- bottledsand- bottledsand- meteora looking forward to TAIWAN trip sunshine public holidays money drop from up above exercise schedule bees roses amanda april aqidah baldwin benson boon heng clement sim desmond quek eden eileen aw georgina ooi hariani huizhen jaclyn jasmine jerome joanna mai jocelin tan jolene tan jonathan tan joyce jing ting kareen kenny tan khairul le ying lihong louisa tan marlina mark toh matthew meijuan melissa leong ms chuah mu en qing hui randy raphael razanah shuyi/suming/weishan stefenie wang min wei jie yile yong woei zhi mei zhuo jie daisies > October 2004 > November 2004 > December 2004 > January 2005 > February 2005 > March 2005 > April 2005 > May 2005 > June 2005 > July 2005 > August 2005 > September 2005 > October 2005 > November 2005 > December 2005 > January 2006 > February 2006 > March 2006 > April 2006 > May 2006 > June 2006 > July 2006 > August 2006 > September 2006 > October 2006 > November 2006 > December 2006 > January 2007 > February 2007 > March 2007 > April 2007 > May 2007 > June 2007 > July 2007 > August 2007 > September 2007 > October 2007 > November 2007 > December 2007 > January 2008 > February 2008 > March 2008 > April 2008 > May 2008 > June 2008 > July 2008 > August 2008 > September 2008 > October 2008 > November 2008 > December 2008 > January 2009 > February 2009 > March 2009 > April 2009 > May 2009 > July 2009 > November 2009 > June 2010 credits skin by: Jane |
31.12.07 @ 00:28 darn. i'm crying myself to sleep on the last day of the year. i regret making that move. it was a mistake. it was better off before. i am stupid. let my tears form the river, which ends here and now. with love, xoxo 30.12.07 @ 23:10 i've rehearsed it so many times in my mind. but when the chance comes, i don't have the courage to say it. please, give me the courage to say it. let me have the courage ... before its too late. with love, xoxo it's a wrap!
29.12.07 @ 16:58 woow~shopping with my mom is GREAT. because 1, i don't have to pay. and 2, i won't get scolded if i get clothes that are more unacceptable to my dad, because my mom was there to 'vet' it already. haha. bought 4 tops for myself and another 2 for my sister. let's hope i don't get any fatter than i already am. DIET PLAN, where are you?! oh ya, napfa test is less than a month away and i haven't even started running. argh. how to pass like that? zzz. anyway, think this will be like the last entry of this year. unless i appear online again tomorrow. countdown on monday. most probably at either downtown east or marina for the fireworks. hee. alright. happy new year in case i don't blog tomorrow. 800. time flies. with love, xoxo round up
26.12.07 @ 16:45 well, i know there's still some 5 days before the end of this year, but well, time to do some round up. first quarter the first 3 months of this year are comparatively relaxing, enjoyable and fun. all i had at that time was fun. school projects were comparatively easier, less idiotic and make more sense. band was definitely more enjoyable. everyone liked everyone, well, at least most. got closer to my beloved jolene tan yin joo. our concert, Time and Tide on march 30, ended the 06/07 academic year with a bang. its the most enjoyable concert i've had thus far. second quarter the beginning of all madness. student internship program, that is. i totally dread internship at the beginning. must have been the stage 1 thing from CCC. always left home by 8 and reached home after 8 on weekdays. pathetic amount of sleep, but the thought of having to attend band practice for my little ones woke me up on mondays and fridays. and of course, our bird park performance on 16 june was wet and bird-ish. haha. thrid quarter band practices got worse. dreaded going for them. went for the sake of my little ones. on the other hand, internship got a whole load better. got closer to gabriel gor gor and the rest. went sentosa for programs, ate GOOD food at restaurants, meet celebrities, edit those crazy programs that i did. i still can't believe how i manage to do up all those programs. birthday celebrations with my little ones. love the present they got for me! last quarter internship ended, but i still helped out for 3 weeks before school started. crapped through internship report. tried my best at our concert, A'vec L'expression on 2nd november. screwed up my solos. went nuts with projects. crapped through more assignments. got totally stressed up with everything. car rides with gareth's perfect driving managed to destress me A LOT. can't believe we all have to do such a stupid project whereby more assistance should be given to us. projects get dumber by the day. test was when i finally sat through the paper for an hour. christmas performance at katong once again. the location may be the same, but it just feels so different. in this year, i'm really happy that i've gotten close to so many nice people. they're like a glimpse of rainbow in the heavy storm. a miracle. they've made my life so much better. :) jolene: darling, thanks for being my huggable little one. a hug from you guarantees happiness, love and warmth. you never fail to make those gay comments, that directly translates to really weird chinese phrases. yile: don't be sad, be happy! MP's finishing soon and you'll be FREED! that calls for a celebration! although we might never see each other after graduation anymore, you'll always be remembered as the one who got me addicted to anime~! qinghui: froggie, thanks for being such an understanding and helpful frog, oops, i mean friend. without your help, some things might not have been possible. smile more and catch more mozzies when you're hungry! olivia: mangolivia, the one who agrees with me that some things are not stupid but plain cute and funny. thanks for staying in pasir ris, because if otherwise, i might not have been so close to you now. :) randy: cotton randy, thanks for lending a listening ear and always being there to console me when i'm down. thanks for the constant laughable things that you do that never fails to put a smile on my face. without you i might have ended up as depressed now. :) its not even the end of the academic year and i'm already like this. gosh, wonder what'll happen when i graduate. notice that all those mentioned are all from band? its funny, because i don't really click as well with as many people in my course. even randy, i treat him as more of a band friend who happen to be in the same class rather than a classmate who happen to be in band. without my little ones and other unmentioned friends, i don't know how i'd survive this year. thank you all for being there for me all this while. thanks for tolerating my randomness, my mood swings once in a while and my cold jokes. really appriciate all of you. :) with love, xoxo yesterday.
24.12.07 @ 20:18 christmas performance was ... -_-". think that describes it! saw this beautiful moon last night. i just LOVE taking pictures of the moon. :) ![]() back in the band room, its chocolate giving time~! gave everyone, got some stuff back too. :) a packet of mango sweets + mar-shi-ma-lo + mentos from froggie. a stick of amicelli from darling jolene. a makeup mirror + scroll from mangolivia. a nipple chocolate from cotton randy. a chocolate from matthew. a packet of M&Ms from benson. a voodoo santa from jade. a pair of really cute food from judith. a toblerone from either amanda or jolene obeo. a pair of sweets from weiqi (if i'm not wrong) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() a picture of all my received goods~! THANK YOU ALL! :) ![]() anyways, spent loads of time doing nothing yesterday. but well, at least i spent those time with those that matter. :) alrights. tomorrow's christmas. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!! shall be back for a roundup of this year soon. ta-da. Labels: photos with love, xoxo complaining ...
22.12.07 @ 20:45 below are my naggings and niam-ings. skip the next 3 paragraphs if you're too lazy to read. you know, i can't seem to understand what on earth is the problem with KIDS these days. and when i say kids, i'm saying those under the age of 12. why this specific age? ask and you'll be told. in the past, if you run away from home, it'd be because of something really serious. but THESE DAYS, as i know, kids are running away from home because their mothers are going to scold them for losing a key. come on lar, you can't even tolerate a scolding from your mother? *rolls eyes* its not like your mother is going to punish you by making you stand on a tile and face the wall for hours and hours while she and your brother scolds you and say super sarcastic words while watching tv! or worse still, take a cane and use it to hit your feet whenever you step out of that tile! gosh. what have kids become these days. and the worse thing is, i can't believe it when mothers actually praise that their kids are so obedient and stuff like that when their kids go run away from home. what i'd say is, parents these days have no control whatsoever on their kids anymore. they can't spend time with them so they buy stuff for them. *rolls eyes* i'm sorry, but i can't accept things like that. i grew up in a strict family. and talking loud IS in the family. (so don't say that i'm shouting at my mom when i'm just talking to her in my house's normal volume.) i've talked about this to like at least 3 other friends, and we all agree that kids in the future will just be super spoilt. and if we use the ways of teaching that we grew up with on kids in the future, they'd most probably sue us for child abuse. i'm not saying that i'll throw the kid against the wall or what, but i believe that when a child does something wrong, he/she should be punished, not just verbally, but physically as well. this is not me being saddistic, this is me speaking the truth. those that i've talked to agree with me on this, and they are aged 18 to 28. there's a chinese saying, 不打不成才, and i have to say i agree with it. kids have to be kids, and they will make mistakes, if their mistakes are big enough, they ought to be punished physically. alright, enough of my nagging. my wardrobe's not here! it was brought here, BUT it was a faulty one, so the guy couldn't fix it up. another one will be coming in on the 31st. argh. there goes my last day of this year's afternoon! anyway, our BELOVED QINGHUI tagged me at her blog. so ya, here it goes. 1. what time do you get up? 1.5hours before school on school days. if not ... then whenever i feel like waking up. :D 2. if you could eat lunch with one famous person, who would it be? famous person? hmm, *thinks hard* mayday! lolx. ya, its 5 people i know. but they're a group so its like just 1. lolx. 3. gold or silver? definitely silver! 4. what was the last film you saw at the cinema? the game plan! 5. what is your favourite tv show? err, heroes? although i don't watch it on tv. :x 6. what do you have for breakfast? today? 2 paus and tang yuan. 7. who would you hate to be stuck in a room with? HAH, randy's best friend! 8. can you touch your nose with your tongue? *trying VERY hard* cannot. 9. what inspires you? stuff? haha. 10. what is your middle name? use your brains and you'll know. 11. beach, city or country? beach in a country. lolx. 12. favourite ice cream? chocolate! but cannot eat T_T lactose intolerant! 13. butter, plain or salted popcorn? haha butter! 14. favourite colour? black, white, blue 15. favourite car? red ferrari!!!! can't afford one though. sobx~ 16. favourite sandwich filling? egg, cheese, ham, tuna 17. what characteristic do you despise? hypocrite, liar, arrogant 18. favourite flower? blue rose, pink rose. 19. if you had a big win in the lottery, how long would you wait to tell people? immediately, but only to those who matter! 20. fizzy or still water as a drink? still~fizzy water got loads of carbs! 21. what color is your bathroom? PINK! 22. how many keys on your key ring? 3 23. where would you retire to? japan ba i guess. 24. can you juggle? if only its in s-l-o-w m-o-t-i-o-n 25. favourite day of the week? mondays and fridays! because i get to see my little ones!! :) 26. red or white wine? red 27. what did you do for your last birthday? you mean my previous one. pool with my BBMs then go settlers, then go ECP! 29. what's your favourite animal? kittens, puppies, rabbits, hamsters etc 30. favourite anime? hah! BLEACH! 31. fast food or home cooked meal? home cooked! 32. what attracts you to others of the opposite sex? hmm, humour. that's basic. 33. do you believe in unicorns? haha, do you believe in unicorn blood that can heal your wounds? 34. what's your dress style? simple, causal, whatever i feel like wearing. 35. say something nice about the person who tagged you. omg, chua qing hui! my froggie! 36. who do you least expect will copy this? hah. the guys who i'll list? 37. person you expect will copy this first? whoever's bored at home like i am. 38. five people to do this: yile, randy, jolene, qinghui (do again!), desmond bleh. tomorrow's christmas performance at katong. please be there, won't you? haha. qinghui, please don't oversleep again. haha. alrighty, shall be off watching movies. wahaha! thank you randy! 793. be there, my surprise. with love, xoxo double yes!
20.12.07 @ 17:00 yes yes!!! i've finished scriptwriting! wahaha! amazing that i get so excited when writing the killing part. CSI sure helps! looks like my wish of completing all my projects by this week can come true! shall look through law and script on saturday and PRINT! yes!!! with love, xoxo yesh!
@ 14:41 yes! finished law project! *a round of applause please* haha. i realise the project require me to ... crap just like how i did for my sip report. lolx. 1.6 down. another 1.4 to go! 1.6 because i've finished editing too! just VO and map to go! scriptwriting beats, here i come! 791~ with love, xoxo SURPRISE~! :)
18.12.07 @ 20:35 was supposed to do editing yesterday. but ended up, my files are all in ves 6. so i can't do anything at all. in the end, went over to meet randy jolene and nicholas for bowling! i learnt something from the bowling session yesterday. if you have long nails and want to bowl, please use plaster to protect your THUMB or you'll end up having a half broken nail like me. band last night was ... boring. sectionals lar, what to expect. anyway. slacked through band. went over band room to find jolene and mango-livia. haha. saw randy slacking there also. :x anyway, was told something surprising by randy. how could i miss that? haha. thought that the surprise was gone. but *zhang zhang* surprise came walking through the door. :D couldn't help but smile ya know. :) hee. i've no idea why, but i started saying 'i love you' to olivia, jolene and qinghui. haha. must be that mango smoothie. argh. after band, went mac for the others' dinner. the rest are somehow tired last night. all left early. only left me, qinghui and desmond. bleh. sigh. friday, desmond, qinghui and yile not coming. xian. never mind, still have my jolene and olivia. HAHA. hmm, editing went well today. have to do my vo and stuff another day. xian. friday have to meet joanne to do the map thing in after effects. argh, i can't remember how to use it! alrighty, shall be back soon. time to catch bleach. :) a pleasent surprise. :) a smile i can't hide. :) 789. :) with love, xoxo lar~
17.12.07 @ 10:46 good morning!!! haha. today's just another day. i'm like finally myself at home for the morning. haha. feels so weird when my parents are out and i'm alone at home with my brother and sis-in-law lar. feel like such a big lightbulb. maybe its a sign for me to go out more on weekends! :x anyway, they brought the wardrobe on saturday. its coming in this saturday. which means, i've to get my sis to come down and pack up all her stuff and then get all my stuff neatly packed by friday night. sigh. and it also means that i've to wake up by 10am! double sigh. which means, i've to go and draw money for my brother because he paid for the wardrobe! TRIPLE sigh~! blehx. editing later in school. let's hope i won't screw up. think i'll do the voice overs tomorrow then go back school to edit further another day. argh stupid project. band prac later. miss my little ones! *grins* hmm, completed act 1 of my scriptwriting beats. and i got most of my inspiration when i couldn't sleep the other night. hah! 2 more acts to go and it'd be 10 moronic pages long. haha. can't be bothered about the law project simply because i can't understand what on earth they're writing. argh! shall start on it when i'm in the mood for chim stuff. now ain't i glad i didn't get into my third choice of law? :) 12 days of christmas. 788. with love, xoxo gay!
15.12.07 @ 13:22 firstly, the bleady term test is @£$*&^%-ly crazy. 60 minutes to complete 4 questions which cost 100 marks. of which, 1 of them require you to think of a story idea to show a combination of 3 archetypes and another to show that you understand parts of a story structure. another question require you to recall 4 traditional act2 moments in a film that you have watched (i chose You, Me and Dupree for the simple reason that i've watched it like 4 times because HBO's showing it.) and finally the last one, which is a 30 mark question, require you to show how a scriptwriter can convey or reveal that a character's anger, and, greed. i couldn't believe that i actually spent 52 idiotic minutes to finish the whole paper. ARGH! ok, now for the FUN part. we went POOL yesterday after the moronic paper. pool for 2hours plus. haha. its amazing how i can hit the black ball and have the white ball follow it. sigh. then we asked gareth to join us. (thankfully he didn't drive, or i've no idea where we'll end up with his *ahem* marvellous driving skills.) its super funny to see randy and zhexing play DDR. really super funny man. and the funniest thing that happened was, gareth and randy, on the simulator thing. gareth was like screaming on it lar. and jolene, yile raz and me were like laughing till we're going to cry lar! damm funny! then came slacking time at starbucks. i can't believe gareth actually asked for something white. haha. hilarious lar! and jolene noticed something about gareth, he looks like rata2e! HAHA! and from a particular angle, randy and gareth look like they're actually holding hands. wahaha! i never knew they were so open about their (gay) relationship. lolx~~ then the gay couple went to take picture on the sleigh. so gay lar. and when i request them to kiss each other. they actually did pose to kiss. argh~ nightmare-ish! haha. (no wonder i couldn't sleep last night. hmm~) hmm, ok enough of the erm, gay stuff. haha. for the past 2 nights, my sister-in-law have been staying with us. feels kind of weird lar. but no choice. its something that i've got to get used to. sigh. my room's still in a horrible mess. most of my stuff are still on the floor, in my bags. haven't bought the table yet. wardrobe coming soon, later in the day, at least buying it. argh. so much more things to buy. no money le~ -_-. argh. should stop procrastinating. have to start on my 3 bleady projects. argh! i should really start doing them soon. aim to finish all of them by the coming week, so i'll at least have a break on xmas week! alrighty, shall be back soon. argh. bleady projects. 786. Labels: videos with love, xoxo filmed.
12.12.07 @ 20:05 filming today was TIRING. tilts, pans, zooms; mostly done in the rain. got soaked with rainwater and got so sticky. lucky today's rain was only drizzle, not downpour. or else, i'll look as if i jumped into the sea with my clothes on. so tired now lar. so if i'm so tired, what on earth am i doing online after my cold shower and fattening dinner? hah. its all thanks to ... randy. have to send him scriptwriting lecture notes. its amazing that he haven't even start studying for the test on friday. haha. bleh. tomorrow still have to go driving. argh. how to drive if i'm so tired? -.- oops, i'm hungry. haha. hmm, next month, my sister-in-law will be coming to stay with us. sigh. how? hope it won't end up like joanna's situation. i hope everything will turn out fine. argh! tired. shall watch heroes, hmm, maybe not. wahaha. 783. with love, xoxo tired~
8.12.07 @ 12:23 i never thought painting my room with a small brush can be so tiring. yes, i painted my room with my dad yesterday. now its pink! well, the whole house is pink. even the ceiling of the toilets are pink. well, my new room was actually my brother's. we exchanged rooms so he's got the bigger one while i get the smaller but cooler room. there's still so much to clear from the stuff that are here now, because most of the stuff are either my sister's or my mom's. and what i have only accounts to 40 or 50% of the things in this room now. i want a beanie chair. :) alright. so atv group proposal's done. i shall start studying tomorrow for mid sem test. but well, i've to go to my cousin's place (opposite school) tomorrow for his kid's one month old thing. sigh, i'm an aunt again. doesn't matter. i'll just go and stone there. and hopefully, after that my parents will go to ikea to grab the stuff that i want to decorate, i mean fill, my room with. :x only half a semester to go and i'm out of school. sigh. i aim to complete my projects that're due on the first week of 2008 two weeks from now so at least i'll have xmas week to rest. but, might be tough because i've yet to film my monument. argh. alright, should get going to do some stuff now. pray that i'll get through this semester in one piece, please? 779. with love, xoxo sentence
4.12.07 @ 21:08 i have a HUGE blue black on my left leg. ![]() thank you randy for helping me buy the thumbdrive! stupid cabby drove us the wrong way. i saw an uncle flasher on bus 21. x| i fear arguements, and i'm stressed about trying to avoid them. mudpie for dessert last night. yum, yum. ![]() a walk down memory lane, our theme for monument videos. a walk down our memory lane, that's where i went today. two years on, i'm still holding on. are you? 775 days. Labels: photos with love, xoxo car ride~!
1.12.07 @ 14:01 car ride with olivia, qinghui and yile on i'm-lost-but-i-don't-admit gareth's coconut smelling car. lolx. super funny lar. got to changi airport, and we can't think of where on earth we should go. SO, we went to look for mr. gareth's pee-cup along changi road. but then, on our way from changi airport to changi road, gareth got lost for the first time that night. finally, we got to changi road safely. and he drove us at 40km/hr. wohoho. too bad we can't find his pee cup, or you'll see the picture here! haha. so we ended up going OCH. yile was busy closing her eyes while qinghui and olivia were like tourists going to sentosa. and me? i was busy shutting myself up. (you won't want to know why my dears.) and at 12.30am, we decided to go yishun dam. the first time gareth said yishun dam, both me and yile heard yishun them. lol. so off we went to yishun dam. ![]() at yishun dam, wah, the sky's so clear! can see SOOOO many stars lar. and the moon~ its classic lar. its like moon you'll see in those movies lar. and its super cold there lor. all of us were like freezing there. so we stayed there for about 30minutes and off we went home. W-A-I-T! not so fast! we got lost again. gareth took the wrong turn to TPE, so we ended up on our way to yio chu kang. when i ask him did you just miss the turn, he said no, he's going the right way. and in the end, we ended up going further away from home. then when there's a road to u-turn, he still said i'm going the wrong way, when it is the right way. so finally, we got back to the more familiar areas. sent qinghui home (traumatisingly. for more info, go to qinghui's blog. but not sure if she's blogged though.), then yile. and finally gareth to the toilet! p.s. he wanted to pee since we're at changi road. then he dropped me off. its funny lar, to sit in gareth's car (no matter how many times we got lost). there's like non-stop laughter in the ride. and we learnt some very valuable lessons too. the do's and DON'Ts of driving. lolx. thank you gareth~~~! alright, i went to sentosa for the TAS corporate video thing yesterday. well, we were an hour late. :x but, there's not really a lot to understand about TAS because we're not hard-selling it. anyway, saw a peacock there. wanted to see the white one that qinghui talked about, but saw the colourful one instead. went over to palawan beach and took the tram which literally bounced us back to the monorail. saw this whole bunch of japanese students there. all i can say is 'weird~'. so off we went back to vivocity. did a little window shopping and *poof* off i go back to school for band. ![]() band prac stopped. next prac most likely on 17th december. crap, we're going to play first love for katong christmas performance. just when i forgot about it. argh! but its ok. play my solo as much as i can before i not have a chance to play a trombone again. :) 2 more practices before katong performance. i can do it! i hope you'll be there. i'm glad i saw you. it made my day, i mean, night. it's been so long since we last looked into each other's eyes. i wonder if you feel what i felt. i don't know when i'll see you again. but i hope it'll be soon. 772 days and nights. Labels: photos with love, xoxo |