rainbow bottledsand- bottledsand- bottledsand- bottledsand- meteora looking forward to TAIWAN trip sunshine public holidays money drop from up above exercise schedule bees roses amanda april aqidah baldwin benson boon heng clement sim desmond quek eden eileen aw georgina ooi hariani huizhen jaclyn jasmine jerome joanna mai jocelin tan jolene tan jonathan tan joyce jing ting kareen kenny tan khairul le ying lihong louisa tan marlina mark toh matthew meijuan melissa leong ms chuah mu en qing hui randy raphael razanah shuyi/suming/weishan stefenie wang min wei jie yile yong woei zhi mei zhuo jie daisies > October 2004 > November 2004 > December 2004 > January 2005 > February 2005 > March 2005 > April 2005 > May 2005 > June 2005 > July 2005 > August 2005 > September 2005 > October 2005 > November 2005 > December 2005 > January 2006 > February 2006 > March 2006 > April 2006 > May 2006 > June 2006 > July 2006 > August 2006 > September 2006 > October 2006 > November 2006 > December 2006 > January 2007 > February 2007 > March 2007 > April 2007 > May 2007 > June 2007 > July 2007 > August 2007 > September 2007 > October 2007 > November 2007 > December 2007 > January 2008 > February 2008 > March 2008 > April 2008 > May 2008 > June 2008 > July 2008 > August 2008 > September 2008 > October 2008 > November 2008 > December 2008 > January 2009 > February 2009 > March 2009 > April 2009 > May 2009 > July 2009 > November 2009 > June 2010 credits skin by: Jane |
up and coming ...
29.10.07 @ 16:09 media law, something that i'm going to love and enjoy. heroes, something that i'm watching now. ya, only the second episode. had a little chat this morning. talk talk talk. band practice in the auditorium later. sigh. more practices tomorrow and wednesday. double sigh. concert on friday. triple sigh. thursday, recce and storyboard day. love me, love me not. with love, xoxo in the meanwhile ...
27.10.07 @ 22:54 after 27weeks of continuous photoshopping, its weird that i miss using photoshop. so while i was slacking, waiting for bleach to load, i did up this! ![]() and now its my laptop wallpaper. haha. can't put it as my handphone wallpaper though. details will be lost. it will act as a thing to remind me of tp band, and the great times we had. :) Labels: photos with love, xoxo so bleady warm!!
@ 17:13 so WARM! so irritating. anyway, bj on wednesday was ... the best time for me to hide in a hole and stay there forever. it require us to watch the ENGLISH news, when i don't watch singapore english news at all. so, now i'll have to force myself to have enough patience to sit through the 30min news, which to me, is like having to sit there and listen with all my might to she-with-a-high-pitch-voice-aka-one-of-randy's-bff-in-cmm talk for 10 minutes. its hell. argh. thursday, performance in front of library. i'll have to say, i could have done better. although the first solo was passable (but not perfect), the second one was ... unreachable. i lost my high notes on thursday. i don't know why. but I WILL get them back next friday. got will got way~! and we got bored while waiting for i forgot who, we took pictures on the each-step-cost-you-$50 grass! ![]() ![]() ![]() friday, finally met our tutor for atv, april. no, not may or june, just april. she's a design lecturer. she's nice so far. but, a proposal by the 9th of november is crazy! i've still got the concert man! and the worse thing is ... storyboard! O-M-G! have to like go down to 1 of the 3 places to take my bleady photos. and my cameras, suck. this is bad. will chiong it all out. got will got way~! last night, louisa, shao hui and xian yuan came down for band prac. its been ages since i last saw them. haha. gareth was supposed to come too. but he ended up putting out fire at some hdb. so ya. i hope they come for the concert. actually, i'm not sure what i'm doing. i'm not sure if i'm like going back. ya, i changed my wallpaper. but i don't know why i changed it. i don't know lar. i'm stuck in the middle. leaning more towards one side. i don't want to think about it. but ... the question just pops up in my head. what do i want? maybe i'll think about it hard tonight, although i doubt i'll come up with an answer in the end. so troublesome. bleh. anyway. monday, hand in report. its nearly 100 pages with appendix and log book. which reminds me, i have yet burn my stuff! i still have to write that moronic article. and start on my idiotic proposal for atv. oh-my-gosh. *hmm, i just got a new blueblack. and lesbian mozzies are loving me, giving me multiple love bites.* sigh, anyway, i hope it rains soon. i'm like being cooked at home with this climate. monday people, will be the day that i watch heroes in the library. or at least, that's what i hope i'll be doing. haha. alright. that'll be it for now. tada. :) Labels: photos with love, xoxo report DONE!
23.10.07 @ 22:14 YEAH~~!!! i'm DONE with my 20page report~!!! this calls for a celebration ... not! i'll have a celebration after the concert. haha. i'm left with printing, reading through in case there's any wrong information and arranging my appendix. today spent 3hours practicing that samba solo. at least now the first 2 bars sound WOW-ish. in total, 62.5% of solo settled. another 37.5% more to go. *just another 6bars! i can do it!!* anyway, lets talk about school! i'm FINALLY back in school after 6 months of sip. school food never tasted so heavenly. i'm not kidding. so far had 2 lectures and a tutorial. i LOVE media law. the lectures make me regret not going into law. but well, there's econs that i suck at. so ya. i LOVE media law. haha. scriptwriting. well, its not as interesting as i thought it would be. individual project is a 30 to 35 page script, and group project's a 20 to 25 page script. *save the earth, kill the trees* its crazy lar. but well, i hope i can do well in scriptwriting. i really do. tomorrow, bj tutorial. eh eh eh, its broadcast journalism ok, don't think wrong. haha. its a lecture-less subject. and so is advance tv productions (which is on friday). i know i'll love advance tv productions. but, bj? hmm, not that sure. talking about fridays. i'm going to miss next friday's advance tv productions because of concert lar. T_T i want my tutorial~ i was bored so i went to like check my gpa. and i realise i remembered a wrong gpa. the one that i remembered was sem 2.1's gpa. so 2.2's gpa is slightly higher. haha. i have to do well in this semester. or i'll end up with a crappy gpa for the rest of my life. alrighty, think that's it for now ba. will be back soon. :) when i stare into space, all that i think of is you. i'm not angry, i'm not sad i marvel at how you enter my mind without me knowing oh how ... oh why. with love, xoxo pictures!!
21.10.07 @ 15:42 today's the day for ... photos! last night was too lazy to upload, so here they are today! ::last day of work:: ![]() ![]() the temp pass that was has been with me through studios and canteen for 27 weeks ![]() ![]() gabriel gor gor and yu qing jie ![]() ![]() jennifer and rong de da ge ![]() jian bin bleh, didn't take photos with all of my colleagues though. 1 was on overseas trip, another 2 were out of office, boss half day leave. oh ya, we were playing with our food on friday night during supper. triangle -> jolene's square -> olivia's circle -> qinghui's and they manage to persuade me to make mine into a X. lolx. ![]() another picture of the moon. taken at the playground. ![]() pictures taken at the new Terminal 3. ![]() ![]() hmm, think that shall be it for now. hee. finally a slacking day for me today! no need to bother about stupid report! its a "bleach/heroes/numb3rs/whose line/xbox day"! tada~ Labels: photos with love, xoxo far, lar, lar.
20.10.07 @ 21:03 hmm, i'm using a microsoft mouse on an apple laptop. nice combination eh? well, i'm still doing my report. its 70% done now. what's left is the appendix, conclusion, recommendations, IT support, purpose and relationship to company. then i'm done! hah. the new semester starts on monday. it'll be my last semester. i won't be schooling anymore after this. so i'd better enjoy being a student in the next few months. all the slacking and chiong-ing of projects i'll miss once i start working. sigh. the things that i've always dreamt of happening in school, will you ever happen? let me leave TP with a memorable event. i'm still ultra stressed about the concert. i know there's no chance of changing that stupid solo. he won't change it, i know it. so i'll just have to try my very best. i need all the help i can get now. it's been 2 years. time flies doesn't it? i did, i am, and i still will. yesterday was last day of work. i was on the verge of crying when i left. all those memories, all those fun, all those lunches i had with my colleagues. its hard to say goodbye to those i've worked with for 27 weeks (or less). i'm going to miss you guys! dinner last night was rated M18. well, that's the norm when randy's there. with randy around, people get randy. i want to go shopping. i want to go cut my hair. argh, no time! alright. enough of slacking. time to continue my report. stop procrastinating! ok, will be back soon. Labels: work with love, xoxo stress
16.10.07 @ 22:10 命运真会作弄人 16 days to concert. and i still can't play. 原来那些都不是我想像出来的错觉 我并不责怪这消息的来源 要不是她我应该不会知道真相 tickets selling at $6 each. for more information, look to the right. 我原以为你已不在我记忆里 但我发觉这只是我在自欺欺人 四十天的恋情已演变成两年的感情 既然我都等了两年多这几个月又算什么 if its not there, it means i'm too lazy to edit my template. i need help with the samba part! 但我现在好奇的是 如果你没忘了为什么你一直没改变我们的情况 i want to watch 兄弟 你应该听过迟到好过没到 每个人都值得有第二次机会 这个机会依然等待着你 more things to complete at work tomorrow. boss ar~All Out Of Love is hovering around again. don't take so long to check my script ar~ oh no, this reminds me i still have to write that article for the magazine! so many things to do so little time Labels: work with love, xoxo yeah~
13.10.07 @ 15:41 YES! i finally finish the tasks assigned, problems, and suggestions part of my report. haha. 1 down, 19 more to go. -.- and i finally got my CS3 working! lol. finally. and its taking up alot of space on my baby laptop. crap. bleh. so many things to do in such a short time. crap. when's the timetable coming out?! anyway, will be meeting yile later to go for bt's chalet. i don't know who else is going. hope i won't end up like last night, rotting at my brother's chalet. alright, will be back when i remember. haha. 为什么会这么生他的气?生气但他却不知道又有什么用呢? its funny how i can be so angry with him, but yet miss him and think of him when i'm alone. enlightenment is seeked. with love, xoxo randomly random
12.10.07 @ 00:08 my 400th (random) post. happy birthday to randy(10 oct). happy birthday to yile(11 oct). ************************* funny how past and present tend to come online one after the other. it has happened quite a number of times. i'm quite lost now. ************************* need to stop getting distracted when doing this report. or i might never be able to finish it. gosh. i need to force myself to do the report without being online. i shall try that on sunday. ************************* i wonder who will see it without having to find it. ************************* i'm tired. from everything. school, work, report, band, responsibilities, waiting. ************************* i was so afraid the Emo monster would come back after 3 months. i'm pushing E monster away. get out of my life you E monster!! go away and don't come back!!!!! ************************* i'm not emo. not yet. lol. ************************* ok. random photos time. these are pictures of my office's white board. cute frog picture right? courtesy of gabriel gor gor. :D ![]() ![]() i'm so going to miss my colleagues after i leave. especially gabriel gorgor and jianbin. ************************* i don't know why i'm so pissed with what happened. i didn't realise i was angry till i was asked about it. why why why? why did i react the way i did? argh! but even when i was asked i 死不承认 that i was angry. oh man. why? i hate this feeling. argh!!! Labels: photos with love, xoxo equations
11.10.07 @ 16:14 not working tomorrow = chiong tomorrow's stuff today what a great mathematical equation. ain't maths great? samba solo + high notes = die die must squeeze the notes out try and try + cannot play = stress stress + malign + multiple pang-seh-ism = pissed and depressed 为什么喜欢一个人会这么累? sigh. 22 more days to concert, and i still can't play that samba solo. crap. i sleeptalked the other night. i've no idea what on earth i said. all i know was my mom waking me up, telling me i talked through the night. what on earth did i say? did i say something that i shouldn't have? worse still, my mom said 3 words after telling me i sleeptalked. she said: 你到底... its as if she wants to say something, but decided not to, so as not to spoil some sort of balance. from wikipedia: Somniloquy or sleep-talking is a parasomnia that refers to talking aloud in one's sleep. It can be quite loud, ranging from simple sounds to long speeches, and can occur many times during sleep. Listeners may or may not be able to understand what the person is saying. Sleep-talking usually occurs during transitory arousals from REM sleep. It can also occur during NREM sleep at which time it represents a motor breakthrough (see sleep paralysis) of dream speech, words spoken in a dream are spoken out loud. Sleep-talking can occur by itself or as a feature of another sleep disorder such as:
Sleep-talking is very common and is reported in 50% of young children, with most of them outgrowing it by puberty, although it may persist into adulthood (about 5% of adults are reported to talk in their sleep). It appears to run in families. Sleep-talking by itself is harmless and the content should be taken lightly, however it can wake up others and cause them consternation—especially when misinterpreted as conscious speech by an observer. If the sleep-talking is dramatic, emotional, or profane it may be a sign of another sleep disorder (see above). Sleep-talking can be monitored by a partner or by using an audio recording device; devices which remain idle until detecting a soundwave are ideal for this purpose. In order to prevent sleep-talking a mouthguard may be worn. with love, xoxo gosh...
6.10.07 @ 23:34 i realise the toughest part of the report is the introduction part. and that can only be completed when you've done your report. i spent so much time thinking about what to write for introduction and i still can't come up with something good. but i manage to type 2 pages worth of report in 20 minutes for the portion on the tasks assigned to me in the 24 weeks. (gosh, did i just finished the easiest part of the whole report?) anyway, i've closed word. so i'll leave the rest of the report to tomorrow. something not about school for a change. went driving earlier on. booked my test date already. bad news, its in january. anyway, am nearly done with all the lessons. just parallel parking to go. but i think i need to practice on vertical parking. if i were to park the way i did today, my parents will scream if they're in the car. but not screaming for their own safety though, they'll be screaming for the poor car that's behind me. lol. my biggest problem in driving ... not checking blindspot and not conforming to (other road users') safety. rofl. hmm, you know, its amazing what people throw up onto trees these days. last night we saw a yoyo on the tree. and today, i sae 2 bottles on a tree! don't ask me how they got there. i've got no idea. if only the next time i walk pass a tree, i see money hanging from it! haha. wouldn't that be a dream? bleh. so tired now. shall watch bleach now and heroes later (so as not to disappoint randy) before i sleep. yeah~ my brother's ROM-ing on friday! :) bleh~ can't meet my fluffies for supper. :( gonna miss you guys! alright. this shall be it for now. will be back ... around thursday, i think. haha. tada! with love, xoxo sigh
4.10.07 @ 13:41 sigh. woke up in the morning feeling so stressed. why? why can't there be more time? give me fun or a drink to get rid of the stress. and i don't mean water. i want to break free from all the deadlines. i've tried, but i can't do it. let me have the strength to do it. let me have the courage to. let me have the emotions to. let me have the love to do it. how can i lie and say i can when 我过不了自己这一关? with love, xoxo |