rainbow bottledsand- bottledsand- bottledsand- bottledsand- meteora looking forward to TAIWAN trip sunshine public holidays money drop from up above exercise schedule bees roses amanda april aqidah baldwin benson boon heng clement sim desmond quek eden eileen aw georgina ooi hariani huizhen jaclyn jasmine jerome joanna mai jocelin tan jolene tan jonathan tan joyce jing ting kareen kenny tan khairul le ying lihong louisa tan marlina mark toh matthew meijuan melissa leong ms chuah mu en qing hui randy raphael razanah shuyi/suming/weishan stefenie wang min wei jie yile yong woei zhi mei zhuo jie daisies > October 2004 > November 2004 > December 2004 > January 2005 > February 2005 > March 2005 > April 2005 > May 2005 > June 2005 > July 2005 > August 2005 > September 2005 > October 2005 > November 2005 > December 2005 > January 2006 > February 2006 > March 2006 > April 2006 > May 2006 > June 2006 > July 2006 > August 2006 > September 2006 > October 2006 > November 2006 > December 2006 > January 2007 > February 2007 > March 2007 > April 2007 > May 2007 > June 2007 > July 2007 > August 2007 > September 2007 > October 2007 > November 2007 > December 2007 > January 2008 > February 2008 > March 2008 > April 2008 > May 2008 > June 2008 > July 2008 > August 2008 > September 2008 > October 2008 > November 2008 > December 2008 > January 2009 > February 2009 > March 2009 > April 2009 > May 2009 > July 2009 > November 2009 > June 2010 credits skin by: Jane |
31.1.08 @ 19:16 You Should Play the Piano You are a true music aficionado who loves many musical style and eras. You find music to be an escape. And you'd like to be relaxed and comfortable when you're making it. You're very innovative, and you have a unique way of knowing what may sound beautiful. There's a strong possibility that you could compose some of your own work songs quite easily. While you have a lot of creative energy, you are also serious and conscientious. Your msical talent needs time, practice, and lots of privacy to flourish. Your dominant personality characteristic: your painstaking attention to detail. Your secondary personality characteristic: your natural tendency to be whimsical. another facebook application. i'm bothered. but i don't know why. with love, xoxo argh
30.1.08 @ 21:14 gosh, i can't believe how much i'm losing in fsx. had a long walk with jolene just now. from school back to pasir ris. its good, the long walk. allowed us to talk our lungs, guts, butts out. accompanied with a cold, smoothing shower. ah, nothing beats it. its the perfect combination. long walk + cold shower. i'm like listening to the songs that we played in the past 3 concerts. not played by us, and not all the songs. but just those that i have. brings back memories. gosh, more often than not, the memories are concerning a particular person. now i've come to realise how much time and energy i've wasted on this person. made me realise quite alot of things by listening to the songs. but fret not, i've gone out of it. :) script's due on tuesday. just another 5 days to go. shall complete it tonight if i can. have to reach the target of 30 pages. more dialogues, please. then still have to check through. people, please respect scriptwriters alright? pay them MORE. its not easy writing a GOOD script. i've been too lazy to watch damages on axn. i've been too tired to catch anything on tv or catch up on anime. the last few shows i've watched, i've watched them on my baby laptop. another 11 episodes and i'm done with ncis. randy~ get ready more shows for me to watch! :D 9.13pm. and i've yet started on script. stop procrastinating! shall be back. with love, xoxo in class
29.1.08 @ 10:25 georgie's blog is nice. gosh, i didn't know she's guilty because of what i said. hmm. stupid randy. can't wait for the concert tonight. :) good luck qinghui, eric, khairul. :) with love, xoxo insecure
28.1.08 @ 13:38 sigh. why library also so noisy and packed? i can't even watch an interesting show in peace. *insecure* i'm only 20 odd minutes into the show. and i can't continue! when will these people go off? goodness. with love, xoxo gosh :x
26.1.08 @ 11:24 from facebook, Result Quiz What Season of the Year Are You? Your Quiz Result You're Fall You're trendy and creative and love the arts. You love to express yourself through your style and actions. You love to be recognized for your sexual energy and receive it from the world. gosh, the last sentence, that i didn't know. :x with love, xoxo @ 02:01 ![]() just for fun. :) Labels: photos with love, xoxo darn.
@ 01:38 legs starting to ache. butt aching, neck aching too. when you don't care, you'll see it more often. twice in 8 days. ain't it a little too often? thankfully i'm totally over it. i no longer bother about what's happening. just the friendly acquaintance. (randy: p.s. this time i spelt it right!) ok, maybe not that friendly. but well, its no longer what it was. looking for a new phase in my life. :) its supposed to be my individual script time. but fantasy stock exchange is just so addictive. so is scrabulous. *stop procrastinating! time to do script!* yawns. alright. time to concentrate. shall be back when i feel like it. :) with love, xoxo beautifying
23.1.08 @ 20:49 production was ... good. presentation discussion was fun. so tired of projects. as in, physically doing the projects. don't even have time to go slack around school anymore. miss those days when i can slack from 2+ till 6 in library. gosh, save me please. need some time to do my own stuff. dye hair, shop for cny clothes. to jolene: sorry i couldn't wait for you just now eh. was hungry. had to go home for dinner. sorry~ word of the day: beatifying sample sentence: we were beautifying the excretory process with words. with love, xoxo random
22.1.08 @ 20:43 i'm so glad i've friends like randy, lily and jolene with me. random. jolene never fail to make me smile. :) randy never fail to make me laugh and feel stupid. :p with love, xoxo -_-
19.1.08 @ 12:27 argh~ my phone can't send and receive sms AGAIN, for the second time this week. time to get a new phone i guess. then my current phone is for music and stuff. hmm, does that mean i've to bring 2 phones out? its funny how things happpen. when you hope to see someone, you won't. but when you don't bother, you see the person. now i know for sure, i don't care like i did. now, its just acquantiance. you don't make my day anymore. i like k770i. with love, xoxo gosh
16.1.08 @ 20:49 why do i bother? oh ya, because it's something to do with my grades. :( please let next week's bulletin be good i don't want to screw up. what do i have to do to get what i dream of? another day, another dream. with love, xoxo stop
15.1.08 @ 17:13 note: i should stop over relying. note: i shoud stop having the urge to cry. with love, xoxo i don't want to fail
13.1.08 @ 20:23 please let me pass my driving test tomorrow. i don't want to screw up. must check blindspots, must change gear, don't stall engine. gosh, should stop listing down my weaknesses. its just making me more nervous. wish me luck. the power of tako! with love, xoxo sleep, please?
12.1.08 @ 20:49 i need more sleep. slept for 10hours, but still so tired. is it the lack of nutrients? i doubt so. :x law project's nearly done. just waiting for RANDY to finish. then i can do the comparison and conclusion. and then its everybody look through time. so many things to do on monday. meet ms chuah, atv quiz, driving test. i hope i won't be late for test. wish me good luck okie? killing ants is becoming a bore. always dead before level 60. given up on it. any games to intro? laptop hang just now. scared me to death. had to plug out battery and switch off adaptor. don't scare mommy anymore ok baby? reminder to self: i shall offline by 1am and sleep by 1.30am tonight. with love, xoxo yawns
@ 02:13 friday went by before i could enjoy monday. another hectic school week over. just another 5 more to go. my band life officially ended with my last performance yesterday. which, as expected, was a wet rainy one. i'll keep going for practices, just for my little ones. my dream job: part time chinese DJ and conductor. but come to think of it, it's no full time job. sigh, a more realistic dream job please. another day came and went. time to get my thoughts together. in need of much more sleep. especially when even randy's sleeping more than me. good night world. time to dream. :) with love, xoxo all in a day's work
11.1.08 @ 03:25 open house was ... wet. it rained ... again. ikea after open house. food~ yum~ i don't appreciate that kind of work attitude. law project's getting on alright. manage to complete the US bit just now. not sure if i'm out of point though. gosh, i'm still online after 3am. and worse thing is i can't sleep. the super addictive game. i've to beat randy's record! driving on saturday and sunday. and the big test on monday. wish me luck. shall be it for now. script make up at 11. sigh. good night world~ with love, xoxo f()ck.
9.1.08 @ 18:35 it's official. i hate certain projects. they suck. principles. do you have them? take the easiest task away then. and all i'll do is cut teasers then. screw projects. f*ck. with love, xoxo projects
8.1.08 @ 20:57 so tired from all the projects. there are people whom you can be friends with but can't work with. please, let's just get the half of dozen or so assignments over and done with. with love, xoxo the 4 letter word, l o v e
5.1.08 @ 20:34 A kiss is just a kiss until you find the one you love. A hug is just a hug until its from the one you're thinking of. A dream is just a dream until you make it come true. Love is just a word until its proven to you. - qinghui's blog to me now, love is just another word. it did mean something to me some time back, but now, it's just another word. i think a better way to phrase that last sentence to suit me better would be love is just a word unless when it is proven to you. yes, true, love really is just another word. but with that word in a relationship, comes great responsibility. when you say 'i love you' to your better half, it means that at that point in time, you really truly love him/her, and you would do anything to protect him/her. but have you ever thought about what happens if your better half is no longer your better half? does that love continue? does that love grow? do you still want to protect him/her? some say that with love, comes hate. but, how can one hate a person he/she once loved so very much? if 2 persons are no longer together, does that mean that they must hate each other to prove or show that they have once loved? i myself, for one, can't bring myself to hate those i've truly loved and given my heart to, no matter how much they have hurt me, during the relationship, or after ... very long after. it doesn't matter how long the relationship lasted, 9 months or 40 days. once loved, always will love. just that it has evolved into another kind of love, love for either friends or fellow human beings. ************************************************** 男人爱上女人后, 他会做诗。 女人爱上男人后, 她会做梦。 translation: when a man loves a woman, he'll write poems. when a woman loves a man, she'll dream. - qinghui's blog i wouldn't have agreed to the two lines if i saw it 3 years ago. but now, i do. maybe its because i've met someone i loved who wrote poems. it is sweet, to see a poem a loved one wrote especially for you, but when the loved one is gone, all that's left is memories. but what about the second line that a woman dreams when she's in love? i'd say, a woman is blind when she's in love, and to her, everything seem so wonderful. and that, is dreaming. at that time, it would seem like the world is a beautiful place, a place so beautiful and perfect, nothing can spoil it. but, when she's no longer in love, she falls from the highest peak in the world, into the steepest cliff there can ever be. ************************************************** if love loses hurt, it would become a beautiful love. but beautiful love is only possible because hurt make us realise what is beautiful. - jolene's blog love is beautiful, when you're in it. but once you lose it, there's nothing left to it except memories, hurt and tears. but does that stop people from loving? no. like the second sentence says, because hurt make us realise what is beautiful. so true, it hurts. ************************************************** i really do envy those who have not loved, because they've never been hurt. it's too painful to fall from up there, all the way down that cliff. some walk out of it hurt, torn, afraid, lost. others walk out of it stronger than they have been before, ready to meet new challenges, ready ... to get back up there and fall all the way down again. while others are too numb to the feeling of falling, they can't feel anything or have lost the mean to feel because it's been too long a stay down at that cliff. for the past 2 years, i was stuck at the bottom of that demonic cliff, the longest fall i've ever had in my life. i was hurt, scared and torn apart. i gave myself chances to climb up to the horizon, but only, sadly, to fall all the way down again. the last days of 2007, i gathered enough courage to climb up a little and face the music, but only to find out that i'm being kicked down to the 18th level of hell, not just once, but twice. thanks to my best friend, i've managed to get the heck out of there, back to earth, and climb back up to the horizon. now, i can't feel anything, because i'm too numb to feel, and because it hurts to recollect the times when i was up in heaven ... literally. headaches come when anything about that short stay in heaven was thought about. am i ready to get back up to heaven now? i'd say, not yet. the time is about right, but ... the other factors are not coming in yet. now the problem is, am i mentally prepared for the fall that comes at the end? that ... i can't say for sure. but, if the stay in heaven is really worth it, i'm willing to fall down again. this serves as my final conclusion with the stay in the land high above that made me fall and lay motionless in that cliff for years. never will i repeat this mistake with this particular stay. this stay has come to an end. it is like that for now, and it will stay that way ... forever. the only love that i have for this stay is the love for ... fellow human beings now. it might morph into a love for friends, but ... that remains to be confirmed. i am stronger now. no more am i the weak me, who fell so deep so very often. Labels: muse with love, xoxo 2008!! :)
3.1.08 @ 20:30 ok, i really want to say this, no matter how stupid it may be. THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I'M ONLINE THIS YEAR! haha! alright, let's do this in ... er, what's that word? ... oh yes, chronological order. last few hours of 2007! spent it with my beloved little ones. ok, maybe desmond's not that little, but, well, that's not the main point. spent it with jolene, qinghui and desmond at jolene's place for STEAMyBOATy! haha. ate and ate and ate and ate till 11pm. we ended just in time to watch the countdown thingy on TV. and when there's 10seconds left to 2007, jolene and qinghui (the childish ones) started jumping for joy and counting down with the TV. while me and desmond sit on the other sofa watching them. 1/1/08 oh yes, we all found out something interesting about mr. desmond quek. he's superbly afraid of dogs! and bobby just loves desmond. :x so funny lar. how desmond tries to shun bobby and how bobby look at desmond with the what's-he-doing expression. so damm cute!! oh yes and, bobby is in love with qinghui's leg. horny bobby. lolx. then we went around jolene's neighbourhood, walking and laughing my head off when jolene and qinghui got stuck in the slide. HAHA! i wasn't drunk my dears, i was laughing my head off. haha. walk walk walk. compass point field. a great place to enjoy the wind. wee~. 15th floor view. wow, never thought that so many cabs are available. haha. amazing. finally we went back to jolene's house and slack. played dai di while qinghui do her project. :P poor desmond keep losing. haha. then when we all got bored of dai di, jolene went to sleep, desmond watch his bee movie, qinghui blog and i stone. HAHA. *pictures coming next entry* 2/1/08 oh man, start of lessons. boring. skip the boring parts. ok. band practice was ... interesting. played singapura suite, the 1999 SYF set piece. its nice. but tiring, especially the second movement. argh. never mind. supper at prata! nina says that razanah's necklace looks like a p****. and i went '!!!'. haha. 3/1/08 imagine a cooling morning. :| now imagine a comfy bed on a cooling morning. :) and now imagine being woken up at 7 by your mom on a comfy bed on a cooling morning. :( AND NOW, imagine having woken up at 7.30, leaving your comfy bed on a cooling morning to go to school, waiting outside the tutorial room for your tutor for 15 minutes before realising that you don't have to be in school on that day unless you have arranged to have a consultation with her. &^*!(@%^ *darn. i could have been in bed.* anyway, spent the morning doing VOs and stuff. rushed off to driving lesson. (i spent 7 minutes on a cab and used $5.60.) went back to school again to help lily with stuff. ******************************************************* alright enough of all that. a new year, a new beginning. hope this new beginning is a GOOD beginning. let me pass my driving test. and i'll see the light. :) *not traffic light lar!* i look forward to 2008. let yesteryears be yesteryears, let bygones be bygones, let history be history. with love, xoxo |