rainbow bottledsand- bottledsand- bottledsand- bottledsand- meteora looking forward to TAIWAN trip sunshine public holidays money drop from up above exercise schedule bees roses amanda april aqidah baldwin benson boon heng clement sim desmond quek eden eileen aw georgina ooi hariani huizhen jaclyn jasmine jerome joanna mai jocelin tan jolene tan jonathan tan joyce jing ting kareen kenny tan khairul le ying lihong louisa tan marlina mark toh matthew meijuan melissa leong ms chuah mu en qing hui randy raphael razanah shuyi/suming/weishan stefenie wang min wei jie yile yong woei zhi mei zhuo jie daisies > October 2004 > November 2004 > December 2004 > January 2005 > February 2005 > March 2005 > April 2005 > May 2005 > June 2005 > July 2005 > August 2005 > September 2005 > October 2005 > November 2005 > December 2005 > January 2006 > February 2006 > March 2006 > April 2006 > May 2006 > June 2006 > July 2006 > August 2006 > September 2006 > October 2006 > November 2006 > December 2006 > January 2007 > February 2007 > March 2007 > April 2007 > May 2007 > June 2007 > July 2007 > August 2007 > September 2007 > October 2007 > November 2007 > December 2007 > January 2008 > February 2008 > March 2008 > April 2008 > May 2008 > June 2008 > July 2008 > August 2008 > September 2008 > October 2008 > November 2008 > December 2008 > January 2009 > February 2009 > March 2009 > April 2009 > May 2009 > July 2009 > November 2009 > June 2010 credits skin by: Jane |
2 more
31.5.08 @ 20:38 gosh, it's the last day of the month already. 2 more days people, just 2 more days. i wanted to clean up my room before i start work. but i'm just too lazy to get up and clean up. the mess is just too far away. (fyi: it's less than a meter away from where i am now. :x) looks over to my bags and stuff. gosh, that's quite a mess eh. but since it's been there for so long, it won't kill to be there longer. haha, i'm just lazy lar. i haven't even packed my stuff for monday yet. just too lazy. gosh, lazy's becoming my middle name. oh ya, jolene tyj said i'm a lazy pig. simply because i don't want to go city hall meet qinghui and desmond for dinner. jolene tyj, you're an evil panda! =p went mahjong last night. lost $7, can you believe it? i don't suck at mahjong lor. it's just that the 3 of them play all the time. and i don't. and i always lose when money's involved. i think my diet's working. manage to lose some ... adipose tissue. :) get lost, you adipose tissue! bleh. anyway, shall be back when i start work. shall rot off my sunday tomorrow. till then ... with love, xoxo few more days.
29.5.08 @ 15:42 poof, it's been more than a week of mental block-ness. and now i'm back, hopefully not so blocked. in another few days, i'll be starting work. my final days of stay-home-and-do-nothing-ness. anyway, i've to like wake up at 6am on monday. no more late night movie on sunday. went mel's house on monday. her nephew's so super cute. baby Josh is 2 months old. he's the cutest baby ever! haha. if only all babies are as quiet and cute and cuddly as him. :) ![]() i think i'm in love with baby Josh! :x ah well, shall be off slacking off my day. will be back. till then ... a little love goes a long way. :) Labels: photos with love, xoxo graduation!
21.5.08 @ 15:44 i have officially graduated. :) i'm actually quite happy, because i saw my friends. but i'm sad, because some i may never see them again. oh wells, we've to learn to let go i guess. we all spent a few hours in our 'harry potter cloaks'. randy: "we're going to the harry potter AGM." ah well, i prefer to call it the 'harry potter conference'. (yes i know it's more or less the same thing.) the ceremony's quite boring. but the photo taking session after was fun. people who owe me pics, send me! haha. here's a selection of pics from the 'harry potter conference'. :) hmm, friendster's getting stupid. can't seem to upload pics more than 2MB with my mac. now i remember why i prefer facebook. :x so sleepy. want to take a nap, but the weather's just too crazy. dear, i wish you're here with me. i miss you. anyway, shall go do some stuff before dinner with family later. :) till then ... Labels: photos with love, xoxo hours to graduation
20.5.08 @ 17:22 photos!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() aren't we sweet to take this pic for qinghui and desmond? haha. p.s. qinghui, come claim your pics from me eh. :) been out shopping. spent $50 in G2000 blu the other day. GSS's not here yet, but i'm already spending. worse still, i don't think i'll be getting my pay in june. bye bye GSS. :( was supposed to go for dinner with georgie and the rest. but well, it got cancelled. hopefully georgie will arrange for another dinner on thursday. graduation ceremony's tomorrow morning. i'm sure going to miss being a student. mom and dad will be at the ceremony. hopefully i'll be taking loads of pictures tomorrow. ![]() ![]() bye bye matric card. i keep having the feeling that there's something i've to do today. but i can't remember what on earth it is. gosh, i'm getting old. :x anyway, shall be back soon. :) Labels: photos with love, xoxo my little ones!
18.5.08 @ 15:21 i see this trend. the trend that people doing attachment or working are simply not updating their blogs. gosh, will i be like that when i start work? hopefully i'll still blog as often, or at least on a regular basis. anyway~~~ yesterday's pool was F-U-N! me, jerome, qinghui, desmond, zhexing, olivia and sunny. olivia and sunny left early because they were going running. so ya, the few of us remained behind. desmond did something that was ... super funny at pool. shall not mention what it is, it shall stay as an inside joke. :x finally at 7 we left for food, at East Coast Park! i know it's far, but i didn't think it will take us an hour to reach there. East Coast Food Center! took us quite some time to find a seat lar. had yummy duck rice, sugar cane with lemon, chicken wing (very nice!) and satay! cost each of us $10. goodness, so much money on food. hmm, did i mention i was on a diet? oh ya, the food screwed up my diet, but heck, i'm starting again today. :x on our way back, went to arcade. OH MY GOODNESS, i found my favourite game!!! it's that hand game thingy. i haven't seen it since the old White Sands arcade close down. i love that game! (since it's one of the rare games that i play well. :x) had so much fun with it! jerome and zhexing make the best team in that game. but interestingly, qinghui and desmond abit ... weird on their timing. anyway, i love that game. shall we go back there soon for the game??? :D took quite alot of pictures on our way back. shall update when i'm free. shall get ready to go marina square now. haha. tomorrow night, dinner with georgie, randy, jiaoman and the rest! :) till then ... :) with love, xoxo good and bad
15.5.08 @ 20:43 goodness, the torture of having to go through it all over again. sigh, it happened, it happened oh-so-quickly. who would have thought i'd mount the stupid kerb again. even at the third time, it still doesn't feel good failing. shucks, this sucks. now, the good stuff. happy belated birthday to JEROME and SAMUEL! haha, 19 year olds are young at heart. :) that includes me. :x next week's graduation. kind of looking forward to it. but it's also the week of something else. it's going to be 3 long long weeks. :( have to go for my medical checkup soon. (no matter how i dread having to know my weight) should be calling tomorrow for an appointment on tuesday. morning appointments, goodness me. guess i'll have to kiss my sleep goodbye. bleach episode 170 sub is out. will watch it later. so tired. oh, how i miss it. with love, xoxo busy!
12.5.08 @ 15:05 busy busy week ahead! went to sign contract earlier today. officially got a job, will start next month. i'm not feeling very well since saturday. mommy say it's because heaty. :( shall be having a break tomorrow. wednesday will be driving and celebrating JEROME's birthday! thursday, the big day. friday, band, and the day. saturday, going K with qinghui, jolene, etc? sunday, hopefully a break. i want to get well. i don't want to be ill. :| jiao man's back!!! i couldn't believe my eyes when i saw her miss call. (oops) i'm so glad she's back. got so much to tell her! can't wait till we meet up! :) ok, that shall be all for now. have to go band later. can't skip since i skipped last practice to spend time with jolene and qinghui. :x haha. shall be off watching anime. :) till then again ... with love, xoxo reeeeviews
9.5.08 @ 13:59 first, harold and kumar, the hilarious movie. it's super funny. nearly 'merlion-ed' in the cinema. but if you're sensitive to the F word and M18 visuals, it's best that you don't watch it. it's seriously hilarious, a good choice of movie to watch i'd say. :x i finally had mcgriddles breakfast last week. just like isaac said, it's pancakes + sausage mcmuffin. smells nice, taste nice. a good breakfast i'd say. kept me full for a good 8hours. :) there's actually alot i wanted to say, but the weather cooked them and now they're gone. so freaking warm. it'd be good if there's a cooling thunderstorm now. haha. anyway, shall be meeting qinghui and jolene for dinner later. its been ages since i last saw jolene. miss jolene~ diet plan. slowly working, i hope. :) don't say i'm fat. :P Labels: review with love, xoxo tired.
8.5.08 @ 21:11 actually i'm too tired to blog since i went jogging just now. (oh my goodness, did i just jogged?) but i don't know why, both in secondary school and in poly, just nice at the time i leave, someone i met from there will do something that i'd rather they'll never do. maybe i'm wrong, i hope i'm wrong, i really hope i'm wrong. shall be back another time to talk about HAROLD AND KUMAR, the ridiculously funny M18 show that made me laugh my guts out. with love, xoxo yeah!
6.5.08 @ 17:23 i want to go stargazing and watch the sunset. and i still want my bear. yeah, tomorrow night! outing with georgie and randy. wee~~~ happy! it's been more than a month since i last saw randy lar. kind of weird to say this, but i miss randy eh. up till now, still haven't finalize meeting place and stuff. georgie ar, faster confirm leh. :x hope we'll be watching over her dead body. :) last night's practice was ... alright. freshies came in, got 2 girls. didn't get to know them yet because i rushed off after practice. shall get to know them soon. :) anyway, can't wait for tomorrow night. yippe. :) Labels: band with love, xoxo pissed
3.5.08 @ 23:51 f*cking pissed. don't f*cking irritate me now. want to know why? read on. imagine ... 1. only let off to sleep at 3.30am. 2. couldn't sleep till 4.15am because you were thinking of someone. 3. got woken up by alarm clock (a.k.a mother) at 6.45am instead of 7.30am like you told her. 4. left home at 8am, had breakfast at mac. 5. on the way home from clementi on brother's car, a f*cking cockroach brush against your hair. 6. thought it was nothing and continued with jokes. 7. the f*cking cockroach decided to land on your right thigh. (thankfully, you were wearing LONG jeans) 8. you freaked out. screamed for help in a car. 9. mother laughs while trying to spot the roach. 10. finally arrives at carpark, got out of car safe. 11. reached home, feeling paranoid, bathes again. 12. left home again at 11.30am because your mother drags you to follow her to an rc event, which includes 119 other elderly people, who you would rather never meet. 13. got separated from mom because some moronic old hag wants to take up 2 seats instead of 1. 14. old hags decide to spread the news that your brother's getting married in cantonese, assuming that you couldn't understand it, but mom don't want world to know that he is, simply because they're NOT INVITED. 15.wanted to shop peacefully with your mom, but old hags want to follow your mom. 16. pissed, walks away in unknown shopping center. 17. mom has no choice but to leave old hags and go with you. 18. old hags everywhere. 19. brought clothes. 'jumps for joy' 20. happy moment destroyed when you return to bus filled with old hags with medicated oil that you just can't stand. 21. arrived at food place, old hags rush out for food. 22. waited for mom to find space, but she's busy with the other old hags. 23. had to sit with 5 old hags whom i have never seen before and they proclaim that they are best friends with mom. 24. old hags expect you to serve them food. 25. you are not trained to serve food, you do not have to do it, but old hags simply think you should. 26. old hag say i feel so bad for making you serve us food. 27. old hag stays where she is and still expect to be served. 28. you get freaking pissed, feels like asking old hag to use her toe nails to think. 29. at that point, at least 5 people have asked if i'm mom's daughter. really felt like telling them, oh no, i'm her son, can't you see? all these things i have on me are fake. look real don't they? 30. back in the bus, old hag you sat with placed her bag on the seat, you had to stare and sat down on her bag before she removes it. 31. arrived back in pasir ris, but is freaking tired already. time is 6.15pm. 32. followed mom to rc, sat down and rest before moving to ANOTHER rc for dinner event at 7.20pm. 33. arrives at dinner event, old hags singing their arses out, but obviously, they can't sing for nuts. 34. waited till 8pm (stipulated time for dinner commencement), and the horrible singing goes on. 35. food's here at 8.15pm, old hags singing in background. 36. weirdo dancing to old hag's singing. weirdo is either ah gua or sex change guy. 37. amuses self with how much weirdo looks like a guy, old hag horrible singing in background. 38. finally lucky draw at 9.25pm, but only prize number 40 to 30. 39. more old hag disastrous singing. 40. lucky draw for prize 30 to 11 at 10.25pm, horrible singing in the background. 41. background becomes foreground, disgusting singing heard. 42. tired, irritated, disturbed, you ask when the ordeal ends. 43. mom has no answer. 44. pissed with horrendous singing, turn on music player from handphone and blasts songs. 45. can't hear a freaking thing, changes to linkin park songs. 46. worse, still can't hear a single thing from linkin park's songs. 47. mom asks to leave, you are reluctant because you just want to kill those old hags. 48. finds out there's going to be MORE singing by the old hags. 49. tries to ignore surrounding bullshit and concentrate on listening to linkin park while your mom screams over the singing asking to leave. 50. pissed, irritated, you stood up, grab your bag, storms off. mom chases behind. 51. tries telling (ended up screaming at) mom why you're so freaking pissed because those morons are just tone dead and can't hear that they're out of tune, off beat and the other old hags who irritate you earlier. 52. mom asks you to join her and her friends at coffeeshop for supper, when you're already bloated with not very nice food and anger. 53. takes keys from mom, storms off home. 54. on the way, can't help but think why on earth someone would want to sing in public when they can't even sing for NUTS. 55. thinks to self, you'd rather get knocked down by a car then hear another old hag sing. 56. telling self, the quota for elderly tolerance has exceeded by years. 57. hopes you don't have to see another irritating old hag for years. 58. reach home in record time. 59. slams doors, stays in bedroom. 60. understands why you've heard that when people get angry, they cry too. 61. can't help but wonder where is someone when you need him the most. 62. answers that question yourself, he's asleep since 8.50pm. 63. uses new top that you just wore today for the first time to blow your nose and dry your tears. 64. sudden realization that the top is new, takes out tissue paper and clean off whatever you can find on the top. 65. cleans up, returns to room and locks the door. 66. log on to msn and put the first sentence of this entry as private message. 67. log on to blogger and type this entry. 68. realise that you just spent 30minutes typing this. 69. feeling much better, ends off the entry and go facebook-ing. with love, xoxo facebook
1.5.08 @ 17:16 gosh, the weather's killing me. even the rain yesterday was WARM rain. no cooling effect at all! goodness, where's the cold sleep-able rain? there're people i know who are on facebook, but i just don't want to add them. yes, they're people i don't exactly adore in the past 3 years. there're some who i add and there're those that i don't. simply because i don't find it necessary to be linked to them. and now, i find it rather surprising that i'm added. heaven knows why, since i'm not really a friend. but well, who cares, as long as lines aren't crossed, i don't. hmm, i thought i was understanding enough. that was before i talked to georgie on tuesday night. only then did i realise i could have been more understanding. thanks georgie. :) argh, can't wait for a thunderstorm. bear. with love, xoxo |