rainbow bottledsand- bottledsand- bottledsand- bottledsand- meteora looking forward to TAIWAN trip sunshine public holidays money drop from up above exercise schedule bees roses amanda april aqidah baldwin benson boon heng clement sim desmond quek eden eileen aw georgina ooi hariani huizhen jaclyn jasmine jerome joanna mai jocelin tan jolene tan jonathan tan joyce jing ting kareen kenny tan khairul le ying lihong louisa tan marlina mark toh matthew meijuan melissa leong ms chuah mu en qing hui randy raphael razanah shuyi/suming/weishan stefenie wang min wei jie yile yong woei zhi mei zhuo jie daisies > October 2004 > November 2004 > December 2004 > January 2005 > February 2005 > March 2005 > April 2005 > May 2005 > June 2005 > July 2005 > August 2005 > September 2005 > October 2005 > November 2005 > December 2005 > January 2006 > February 2006 > March 2006 > April 2006 > May 2006 > June 2006 > July 2006 > August 2006 > September 2006 > October 2006 > November 2006 > December 2006 > January 2007 > February 2007 > March 2007 > April 2007 > May 2007 > June 2007 > July 2007 > August 2007 > September 2007 > October 2007 > November 2007 > December 2007 > January 2008 > February 2008 > March 2008 > April 2008 > May 2008 > June 2008 > July 2008 > August 2008 > September 2008 > October 2008 > November 2008 > December 2008 > January 2009 > February 2009 > March 2009 > April 2009 > May 2009 > July 2009 > November 2009 > June 2010 credits skin by: Jane |
30.11.08 @ 14:14 gosh, it's sunday already. sigh. monday's around the corner. i miss being able to slack at home for days in a row. maybe it's time for me to take a LONG leave to slack and rot at home. =x mommy's only coming back from macao on thursday. more maggie mee for me then. december's coming! YEAR END BONUS!!!! =) miss my beloved bmf, fluffy darlings. hmm, i'm not making sense. with love, xoxo weekends
29.11.08 @ 12:55 there're too many weekdays, and weekends are just too short. if only i can get a weekend to just sleep peacefully without disturbance. anyway, i saw from the news that a female singaporean died in the mumbai terrorist hostage situation. it really saddens me to see such a thing happen. even when 911 happened, i didn't feel so affected by it. maybe at that time i was still young and also because singaporeans didn't get hurt from it. my condolences to the family of the deceased. it's a tragedy that such a thing happened to her. terrorists are everywhere, disguised. just received the alumni night email from tp. hmm, anyone interested to go? i'm kind of reluctant to go since i don't want to go there and end up seeing someone i really don't want to see. but well, will see if mel they all want to go or not. then i'll decide. since it's only $10, and it'll allow me to spend time with my friends. =) anyway, got to go off to tv land or zzz land now. with love, xoxo skin ...
25.11.08 @ 14:05 hmm, i was forced to change a blogskin. obviously, the picture on top of the old skin disappeared mysteriously today. argh. had no choice but to hunt for a new blogskin. so here it is, plain and simple skin. have to touch up with the tagboard when i'm home though. have to makedo with it first then. wanted to blog yesterday, but had no inspiration, so i put it off. i still can't put my thoughts from yesterday down into proper words even as i'm typing this. don't ask why, but i just can't. oh yes, before i forget, welcome home georgie! i want my bedok chicken rice before you go back down under again! =x 30 days to KL trip! can't wait! =) with love, xoxo blah blah blah
22.11.08 @ 19:41 chanya's BACK! haha. just went to fetch her at the airport. she slim down but she said that she gained weight. -.- but well, she's still as nice as ever! =) so far, i've got my phone for a week already. no problems, except that it needs to be charged every 2 days. my mom's W595 also has to be charged every 2 days. so maybe all SE phones are like that ba. =x took only a couple of photos so far. did take another 2 which i deleted, because those were pictures of roachy at the steamboat buffet place that my family went to last sunday. so anyway, took a picture of the sunset from my living room window just now. looks quite ok. even if it's bad, it's my photography that's bad. =x ah well, should be off facebook-ing etc before i feel too tired to. haha. Labels: photos with love, xoxo shopping~~
21.11.08 @ 10:58 friday, finally. big fat smiley face on my cubicle calender. anyway, the KL shopping trip's set! going with my mom and sister-in-law on Christmas and coming back on 28th. shopping days are HERE!!! haha. time to think of how much to bring over and stuff. but i'm worried that i might not be able to buy alot when i'm there since i'm quite a fussy shopper. the thing that i'm least looking forward to will have to be the bus trip in. it's not stopping in the middle of the trip (which is good, 'cause the trip will be shortened) but i'm afraid that there'll be noisy kids running around during the trip. can only hope and pray that even if there're kids on the bus, they'll not be little devils. i've been working for like half a year now, and the thing that i learn most about here sums up to 2 simple words. office politics. it's quite disturbing because there's no reason, but things just happen in a particular manner. it's weird that people of that age are capable of behaving in such a manner. but well, i've only heard 1 side of the story, and i doubt i'll be able to hear the other side. but why can't people just get along eh? hopefully as they grow older, they'll be able to outgrow that behaviour. ah wells, time to get back to work. =) i want my weekend, and i want it NOW. =p Labels: work with love, xoxo fish off
19.11.08 @ 10:34 great, i just saw something that made me feel that my decision 2 fridays ago was the right one. so now i know, obviously someone there feels that a) it's better to get a guest player than to get an alumni b) alumni who are not in main comm are worth sh*t c) it doesn't matter if alumni don't attend concert because all they need are current members and their guest player (p.s. i'm not pissed at the guest player, i'm pissed at the person up there.) so XXX, if your goal is to irritate me and make sure that i will never step into that God forsaken place, you have succeeded. i will not give sh*t about that dreadful place anymore. all i will care about are my beloved precious friends whom i've made in my 3 years there. so, congrats, you've not only pissed my beloved seniors off last year, you piss me off this year too. let's see if the tradition of you pissing alumni off will continue. with love, xoxo my precious~~
15.11.08 @ 18:05 yes!! after waiting for a few months, i FINALLY got my SE C905!!! i wanted the copper gold one, but Singtel haven't got it. and i can't wait and afford for them to raise the price when the copper gold one comes out. so i got the SILVER one!! but it did cost me a bomb, to be frank. it costs $468. alright time to go and have fun with my new toy, i.e. my precious~ hmm, i sound like that shortie in lord of the rings. haha. will start taking photos and uploading them real soon! =) with love, xoxo oops
11.11.08 @ 15:47 i think we should add one more thing that can be fined. fine: $500 for not letting passengers alight first. was talking to qinghui on friday about the abalone and sharks' fin soup i had last year with moses lim during SIP. i thought i uploaded the pictures, but well, seems like i didn't. =x so i owe qinghui the pictures of my huge abalone and yummy sharks' fin soup. hopefully i did take the pictures. and hopefully i did copy the pictures into my laptop before i ended SIP. haha. anyway, i was on the way home on saturday and i was REALLY pissed off by a few kids. i really felt like telling their parents, excuse me, not everyone in this train knows how to appreciate your child's stupidity and brainlessness. if i can have my way around, i wonder how many kids would have been silenced by me. no, not killed kind of silenced. but silenced in the sense of taking a masking tape and sticking it over their mouth. some kids these days seriously need a lesson of how not to irritate fellow commuters, shoppers and neighbours. well, it's not entirely the kids' fault, the parents are at fault too. for example, the kids that pissed me off on saturday, their parents have the hack-care attitude. if all parents in this beloved planet of ours are like that, the Earth die of noise pollution and brainlessnessism. for the record, i DO NOT hate kids. i just don't adore noisy kids and kids who think they own the beloved planet of ours. if every single kid in the world is like mel's nephew (baby Josh), the world will be a GREAT place to live in. if only lar huh. but wells, enough of all those negative things. i was talking to a friend the other night and he commented that some things that happened has made me think more indepthly. hmm, well, it may be true. or it may be due to work. my life has had simplier days. back in school, my life was great, even with the ups and downs of projects and what nots. i crave for those days again. or, it just shows that people in a different stage of life think differently. maybe i've grown up, maybe i've matured, maybe i'm just more reserved towards others. i don't know. but whatever it is, it's quite a good thing right? i miss this friend, and many others, including the friend who stays opposite this friend. ah well, enough of all this. i think it's time for me to continue with bleach manga. and hopefully go on to read naruto manga after this. oops, i'm hungry. =x with love, xoxo recognition
10.11.08 @ 14:27 recognition; recognise me for who i am, what i do and not by my post/rank. have been really busy this few days. didn't even have the time to watch bleach movie. so tired. taking part of my 1hour break to type this. and is it me or am i not making sense? wait, i'm not making sense. busy busy busy, will be back when i'm finally free. will watch bleach movie and catch up on naruto and bleach episodes. with love, xoxo bimbo-ness
7.11.08 @ 09:50 hmm, i think i'm getting more bimbotic. just look at my list of wants. gosh, now i know bimbo-ness is contagious. thanks eden. haha. anyway, have been busy with work this few days. i guess i should never have planned what to do for the afternoon when i'm having lunch. :x i reminded myself to bring the mayday album out today for desmond and judith. but when i'm on the bus at the interchange then i thought, oh crap i left it on my cupboard. so thousand apologies, i forgot to bring it!!! darn, i'm hungry. with love, xoxo 你的笑只是你穿的保护色
1.11.08 @ 18:35 五月天's album, 后。青春期的诗 is one GREAT album i'd say. i was reading a cd review and it said that one can feel the vast emotions in the songs if one were to listen to the album da capo al fine. i bought the album on tuesday, but i didn't have the time to really listen to the album. now that i finally got the time to listen, i really understand how it makes you feel from desperation to happiness. the album starts off as sad and slowly brings with it to a happy end, or at least a more cheerful end. my favourite song in the album is 你不是真正的快乐. it's emo, but not extremely emo. having listened to the album whole, there're many phrases that are abstract descriptions of how we can feel at one point or another. 我们像一首最美丽的歌曲,变成两部悲伤的电影, 为什么你带我走过最难忘的旅行, 然后留下, 最痛的纪念品。(突然好想你) 你不是真正的快乐, 你的笑只是你穿的保护色, 你决定不恨了, 也决定不爱了, 把你的灵魂关在永远锁上的驱壳。。。难道就真的抱着遗憾一直到老了, 然后才后悔着。(你不是真正的快乐) fine, call me emo for those phrases, but really, those are 2 nice sad songs. anyway, i feel that i do owe this blog some photos. haha. the blurry sunrise is taken when i was in malaysia from the hotel room. the others are the stuff that i have on my office table. and yes, i do read ok. don't doubt it. =p ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ah wells, so tired, time for me to catch up on my anime now. haven't been watching for more than a month. :x 青春之后 认输之前 五月天 作品7 后青春期的诗 with love, xoxo |