rainbow bottledsand- bottledsand- bottledsand- bottledsand- meteora looking forward to TAIWAN trip sunshine public holidays money drop from up above exercise schedule bees roses amanda april aqidah baldwin benson boon heng clement sim desmond quek eden eileen aw georgina ooi hariani huizhen jaclyn jasmine jerome joanna mai jocelin tan jolene tan jonathan tan joyce jing ting kareen kenny tan khairul le ying lihong louisa tan marlina mark toh matthew meijuan melissa leong ms chuah mu en qing hui randy raphael razanah shuyi/suming/weishan stefenie wang min wei jie yile yong woei zhi mei zhuo jie daisies > October 2004 > November 2004 > December 2004 > January 2005 > February 2005 > March 2005 > April 2005 > May 2005 > June 2005 > July 2005 > August 2005 > September 2005 > October 2005 > November 2005 > December 2005 > January 2006 > February 2006 > March 2006 > April 2006 > May 2006 > June 2006 > July 2006 > August 2006 > September 2006 > October 2006 > November 2006 > December 2006 > January 2007 > February 2007 > March 2007 > April 2007 > May 2007 > June 2007 > July 2007 > August 2007 > September 2007 > October 2007 > November 2007 > December 2007 > January 2008 > February 2008 > March 2008 > April 2008 > May 2008 > June 2008 > July 2008 > August 2008 > September 2008 > October 2008 > November 2008 > December 2008 > January 2009 > February 2009 > March 2009 > April 2009 > May 2009 > July 2009 > November 2009 > June 2010 credits skin by: Jane |
28.4.07 @ 16:34 fever subsided. but here comes the cough. oh damm. ah well, at least i have a whole weekend to sleep and rest in. and tuesday a public holiday!! YEAH!! anyway, last night band prac, we watched the concert video. its funny. watching benson play. lolx. the cameraman seem to be in love with either wayne or the tuba section. keep taking them. they didn't calibrate their focus and everything was out. zooming in and out so fast and panning so quickly just makes the viewer have a headach. oh man. now i've really seen a horrible cameraman and crew at work. ain't i happy i've learnt multi cam? yes! after that video we went back to band room and talk crap. imagine, having a 2hour conversation with a whole bunch of people (inclusive of randy) about ED. no, its not emotional development. its a certain guy problem. lolx. everyone is like ed-ing here and ed-ing there. damm funny. finally at 11 we went for supper. at mac! its there that we realise that the whole bunch of us who are sick had the illness from weijie. this is how the thing goes: weijie -> lihong -> me -> randy -> jolene. and who knows how many more people in band are not feeling well! oh crap. illnesses and sicknesses. actually we planned to go settlers today. but i ended up at home at 12.30am. so my mom was kind of unhappy about it. so its better that i stay at home today. looks like the trip's got to be postponed again. anyway, i've been stuck with phantom of the opera these days. i want to play the song! the song very nice. here's some of my favourite parts of the songs~! Music of the Night You alone can make my song take flight - help me make the music of the night . . Phantom of the Opera In sleep he sang to me In dreams he came That voice which calls to me And speaks my name And do I dream again? For now I find The phantom of the opera is there, Inside my mind Sing once again with me Our strange duet My power over you Grows stronger yet And though you turn from me to glance behind The phantom of the opera is there Inside your mind Think of me Think of me think of me fondly, when we've said goodbye. Remember me once in a while - please promise me you'll try. When you find that, once again, you long to take your heart back and be free - if you ever find a moment, spare a thought for me We never said our love was evergreen, or as unchanging as the sea - but if you can still remember stop and think of me . . . Labels: band with love, xoxo sickness
26.4.07 @ 17:34 oh my. having MC and great weather conditions adds up to 1 simple thing. GREAT SLEEP! untill now, i've only been awake today for like 3hours. lolx. after my medication at 6 i'm going to sleep again. the doctor told me to have plenty of rest. so i'm just following his 'orders'. haha. think i've been talkng kind of nonsensically here and on msn. think the fever just made my neurons and brain go haywired. can't really spell or talk. so if you spot some error here there everywhere, do forgive me. haha. oh crap, i don't know what i'm saying. haha. will be back maybe during the weekend. haha. with love, xoxo sick
25.4.07 @ 21:23 crap. i'm ill. fever of 38'C, horrible headach. went to see a doctor just now and ended up with a MC. that leaves just 4 days more of MC. cure me please! if only he was there when i feel like crap. with love, xoxo news flash
24.4.07 @ 20:48 question, what happens when you stare at a news website for the whole day? normally any normal answer would be getting the latest news updates. well, true. so here's some of what i found out today. - russian's formal president pass away - pilots asking for pay rise for flying A380s - virginia tech students return to classes - 70% of singaporean men have erectile problems interesting eh? you're happily reading the news and you find out that 70% of men have erectile problems. wooh~! scary~! but heck, its not my problem ... yet. haha. so ya, i tried changing my mindset for work today, and ya, i didn't have any problems with the daily stuff. so, that's a good start. you know something interesting? i SIP at mediacorp, but if i listen to the radio at work, i'm listening to 100.3. i listened to 9.33 the other day, but i find it ... well ... not as nice. so there i sat, at a building on andrew road, listening to a rival station. haha. anyway. that'll be it for now. life goes on. jia you~! :) Labels: work with love, xoxo sound
21.4.07 @ 15:49 the importance of sound in life. imagine a world without sound. when you open the door, it won't give that squeaky sound. when you speak, your friend won't hear anything. after years of audio capability, what will happen if we lose it someday? we've all taken sounds for granted. when we are in the train we expect to hear the 'doors closing tiit tiit tiit tiit' sound. but if one day we don't hear it, what will happen? yesterday i was listening to the radio and there's this audience calling in to complain that mrt's door closing announcement is too loud, too frequent and it irritates her. why don't we think of it from another point of view, we've gotten so used to that sound, if one day the sound disappears, we'll feel weird like something's not right. but of course after some time, we'll all forget about it and go on with our lives. lets say we still our hearing, but everything's messed up. for example, when a dog barks at you, all you hear is birds chirping. and when the toilet flushes, all you hear is a person vomiting. imagine having screwed up listening. that's what i call hell. but come to think of it. which is worse? the abscence of hearing, or the malfunction of it? with love, xoxo 7/7
@ 12:32 36 more hours to go before we catch phantom of the opera. yeah~! catching it with randy, mark, penny, hanna and conan. lolx. that's my luxury for this week. maybe next week go settlers. haha. well, went for band prac last night. took out seventh night of july to play. yeah. i love that song. sounded kind of crappy. but we did sound better after a few tries. went for supper, i mean dinner opposite school again. interesting you know, cause randy went with us. haha. its rare. found out that yile's actually going to thailand for her osip next month. blehx. great. during supper lihong was kind of ... erm ... how should i put it ... big mouth. he said some things that are well ... weird. i don't know what's got into him. but ... he's crazy. maybe its the late night thing. on our way home, lihong told me that there's someone who's curious about what i write here. haha. for things that are written here that seem weird and interesting, there're for the understanding of those who know. for those people who don't know, its just like a guessing game. haha. wonder how many cats i've killed since. haha. ah well, the rest of the people are starting school next week. (lucky people) which means that as soon as they finish their exams, i'll finish my sip too!! YEAH!!! i can't wait. i think i screwed up again yesterday. i don't want to know. i don't want to find out. i don't want to work! i want to change job. multimedia's just not my type of thing. editing's my type of thing. anyway, i'm enjoying my weekend. hoping that monday won't come so soon. blehx. with love, xoxo work work work
19.4.07 @ 21:41 oh my. the confusion. just when i thought that windows can no longer confuse me, i'm horribly confused with it. and just when i thought that mac is my baby, i'm confused with the damm shortcuts. oh crap. i'm like utterly confused. and i think i screwed up the website. think i'm going to go nuts tomorrow with the editing of the crappy codes. darn. i feel cheated eh. i thought my main job will be like programming but in the end i'm doing multimedia stuff. crap. if you think that spending nearly 2hours from work to home is tiring, add hunger and backaches to it. and worse still when you're hungry like crap, have people in the bus eating hotdogs, bubbletea, and worse, CHOCOLATES! curse those morons eating in bus 93. and the freaking driver who makes me wait for 20minutes for a bus!!! oh crap. i'm like having lunch at 12noon these days with my colleagues and having dinner at like ... 8pm or even 9pm every night. and with band pracs, it'll be nearly 10pm. food~! i still have to live with this for another half a year. i keep telling myself, think of the pay man. anyway, about band. well, mr tan's staying!! yeah!!! great!!! things seem fine now. i hope it'll stay that way. miss my darling jolene! haha. well, i'm starting an alumni band for crestwinds.i just sent the emails. wonder when they'll reply me. i really want to start the alumni. i seem to bump into him these days. although i won't really call the recent one a bump into kind of thing, but well, i didn't expect him to appear there so soon ya. ah well, i was happy. really happy, haha. hope things will turn for the better. :) well, that's it for now. will be back soon!.. :) with love, xoxo syf, band, sip, mus'art
13.4.07 @ 14:53 syf 2007, wednesday afternoon session. 12 bands. 9 bronze, 3 silver. oh my goodness. how bad can this get? there's not even a single gold! let alone honours. and up till now, there's only 2 GWH! oh man! how much worse can this get? anyway, forget about syf. well, mr leung said that he'll push for a concert for them. so that means that as long as i can find people for alumni, we can perform for their concert. yeah~! that's good news. and ya, in less than 72 hours, i'll be starting my sip. oh damm. i'll miss the slacking days. but hell, i'm going to be paid! think of the bright side eh? haha. anyway, i'll keep coming back for band practices. i'll be late though. but i'll be there. anyone want to go for mus'art's performance at the durian? its free! 2pm on sunday, 15 april. tell me asap alright? with love, xoxo crestwinds~!
10.4.07 @ 19:51 went for my driving lesson just now. i realise that having the instructor who taught me on my first 2 lessons was stressful eh. having that instructor sitting beside me was just stressful!! anyway, i went back to prcs just now. saw kenny! its been like 2 or 3 years since i last saw him. chat a little, found out that he's actually relief teaching at prcs. but he say today's his last day. he wished the band good luck! and same to the choir whose syf's on the 19th eh! finally went into the band room. well, they definitly sounded MUCH better than they did the last time i went back. just some small little hiccups here and there. they sound like crestwinds as i left. that's good. got a ticket for tomorrow's afternoon session. hope they'll produce good results tomorrow. i talked to mr leung about the possibility of having an alumni band. he says its possible BUT there're 2 main problems. one, where do we hold our practices at. and two, where are we going to get the instruments. well, the only way for the 2 problems to be solved simultaneously is for crestwinds to get a SILVER tomorrow so mr leung can push for a concert. its only then that we the alumni people can ever go back and perform with them. so let's pray that they can silver so we can officially have an alumni band!! woow! so tomorrow, i'm going back tp to hand in those forms. and rush back to prcs to 'tong bang' the bus to sch. really hope that they'll do well. dear crestwinds, just do your best tomorrow and don't worry about the results. just do your best and leave everything else to those 5 or 6 judges up there to decide. no matter what happens, don't point fingers at one another. no matter what happens, the seniors will be there for you guys. with love, xoxo lucky happiness :)
7.4.07 @ 20:05 well, today's got to be one of the most eventful day in the past week. i'm supposed to meet my section to complete all the forms and for lunch today at 1. but since i'm going to print my stuff in school, i got out earlier. took bus 21, and just when i'm about to get off the bus, i think to myself, i miss him eh. and the next thing i know, i saw him at the bus stop, but i doubt he saw me. when i got off the bus i hid at a corner of the bus stop. even if i were to walk up to him and sit beside him, i won't know what to say or how to act. when bus 23 came, i've no choice but get on the bus. ah well, being able to bump into him just makes my day ya. :) with love, xoxo nostalgia
3.4.07 @ 19:01 its just another day. i realise that i can actually apply ccc concepts into my life now. (how sad) as of sunday, i feel so ... lost. (and no, there's no relationship problems) its like after a hectic week of band pracs, i'm suddenly left with nothing to do! yesterday was bad, i walked around the house like a body without a soul. i got so easily irritated with everything, my mom's nagging, the lack of communication with the outside world, blah blah blah. and suddenly, i feel so ... depressed? oh ya, i was shocked with that. and one sentence came to my mind, i've lost all social cues!! and that, my dear friends, that reminded me of ccc. and to my astonishment, i fliped open my note book (and i don't mean my laptop) and search for my ccc notes. and guess what, one of the symptoms of stage 2: everything is awful stage is the loss of social cues! and just as i look down the page, in flight and fight, symptoms include excessive complaining, irritation and depression! oh man, i never that a band-less time can make me that lost. and nope, i'm still not looking for similarities, i'm still complaining (to myself), and i'm still irritated. and of course, before all of that, i did experience the optimisim and enthusiaism last friday. but after that, everything's killing me. i'm just hoping stage 3:everything's alright will come sooner. blehx. anyways, sip starting in 13 days. before that i want to watch 'meet the robinsons' with my band people.(i have a big head but little arms~!) i also want to go settlers play. need to enjoy myself before sip. i'm looking but at the same time not looking forward to it. what to do? i really miss band pracs, my band friends, the fun we all had, the music we all made and shared. oh man, why do i sound as if i've graduated? haix. must be stage 2 working on me again. ah well, i'd better leave this entry like this, or i might start to sound like an old woman telling her grandchildren stories of her past. lolx. Labels: band with love, xoxo temasek polytechnic band concert, time and tide
2.4.07 @ 18:22 31 march 2007 - temasek polytechnic band annual concert, time and tide. i would call it a success, although i've to say several mistakes were made. at 7pm, the auditorium was not even half filled, but by interval, it was nearly full house. it was a great concert. but the most touching thing happened after the concert. bottles of sparkling green grape juice were opened, and a cake was cut. before it, 3 cheers of yam seng for tp band. i felt so touched to really see the whole band shout our heart and lungs out, doing the same thing together. i felt so touched tears of joy nearly escaped my eyes. thanked mr tan, cynthia, guest players, seniors and alumni together as a band. before we know it, mr tan left us, for good. he's still as humourous as ever. when i went up to shake his hand, he said let go now when its actually not letting go, very mr tan. ![]() quite a number of our alumni came. people like louisa, shao hui, beiyi, gareth, wei wen came. the bt people came too, they brought all the tp guest players flowers. thanks. after the concert, as per normal, helped bring back the percussion instruments to the band room. stayed back in the band room till around midnight. me, jolene, benson, hui zhen, jing ting, mark, law wei and raphael went bedok for k. reached home around 2.45am. it was an experience. the list of new main comm people are out. wei jie's president, lihong's vice president. the rest of the people are mark, law wei, penny, jing ting, kenneth and grace. ah well, the ay ended on a high note for me at least. i'm no longer the sl, unless they make me sl again. i'm no longer student conductor, unless they make me again, which is highly impossible. i'll be there for band pracs in the new ay. i'll try to rush down for pracs. the only time i won't be there would be when i'm really too tired to be there. to my darlings in band, i'm going to miss you all. anyway, anybody want to catch 'meet the robinsons' next monday at vivocity? i'll ask you guys again on saturday or sunday. love you guys! --------------------------- ah, the romance, or rather the lack of it. even if i don't see you, you'll always be in my heart. i wish you had gone with us, but i know you don't do such things. at least my last impression of you is the great one. like i always said, to know how good a guy looks, see him in formal attire. i don't know when's the next time i'll see you again, but i'm looking forward to it. Labels: band with love, xoxo |