rainbow bottledsand- bottledsand- bottledsand- bottledsand- meteora looking forward to TAIWAN trip sunshine public holidays money drop from up above exercise schedule bees roses amanda april aqidah baldwin benson boon heng clement sim desmond quek eden eileen aw georgina ooi hariani huizhen jaclyn jasmine jerome joanna mai jocelin tan jolene tan jonathan tan joyce jing ting kareen kenny tan khairul le ying lihong louisa tan marlina mark toh matthew meijuan melissa leong ms chuah mu en qing hui randy raphael razanah shuyi/suming/weishan stefenie wang min wei jie yile yong woei zhi mei zhuo jie daisies > October 2004 > November 2004 > December 2004 > January 2005 > February 2005 > March 2005 > April 2005 > May 2005 > June 2005 > July 2005 > August 2005 > September 2005 > October 2005 > November 2005 > December 2005 > January 2006 > February 2006 > March 2006 > April 2006 > May 2006 > June 2006 > July 2006 > August 2006 > September 2006 > October 2006 > November 2006 > December 2006 > January 2007 > February 2007 > March 2007 > April 2007 > May 2007 > June 2007 > July 2007 > August 2007 > September 2007 > October 2007 > November 2007 > December 2007 > January 2008 > February 2008 > March 2008 > April 2008 > May 2008 > June 2008 > July 2008 > August 2008 > September 2008 > October 2008 > November 2008 > December 2008 > January 2009 > February 2009 > March 2009 > April 2009 > May 2009 > July 2009 > November 2009 > June 2010 credits skin by: Jane |
30.6.07 @ 18:57 i just went to the metro sale at tampines, and the conclusion i got from there was that next time, sales should state that shoppers do not bring along with them babies, young kids, trams and trolleys. being at a sale is a tough enough job. add those little kids that walk SUPER slowly and babies in trams being pushed at CRAWLING speed. you get a HUMAN JAM! everyone's stuck till the trams get out of the way. its like, come on, kids should be at home watching tv or studying. not at shopping centers blocking people's way at a sale! oh please. parents, be more considerate will ya? anyway, despite those KIDs that made my shopping experience kind of bad, and a woman with a huge ASS that knocks people on to the clothes, i spent more than $100 again. and worse thing is, i spent them all on the same thing and i spent them BEFORE i got my pay. oh crap, broke little me. shopping for lingerie can never be more ... expensive and expansive. hah. buses. something that i spend nearly 15hours on each week. because i spend that much time on it, i've seen (and smelt) some weird people who travel on it. firstly, the weird woman who sometimes boards bus 21 along bedok reservior road. even if you're sound asleep (like i was 1 fine morning), you'll know she has board the bus because you'll smell some weird flavour. she ALWAYS takes off her shoes and socks and hang her socks on the head rest of the seat in front of her. she spits (i think) on the floor and stretches her leg out on the seat beside her. if i ever see her again on the bus, i'll take a video and put it on stomp. secondly, another woman who took 21 (on THE morning that i was sleeping soundly and got woken up by the horrible smell of the first woman), she woke me up with her HIGH PITCH voice talking to herself. its ... rather scary. imagine this, you were sleeping and minding your own business and you got woke up by a woman who smells and another who speaks to herself in a scary high pitch voice. how much worse can your day get? oh ya, on the same day, a bird shit on me. how lucky of me eh? what other irritating stuff have i seen on buses? loads. it seems like the rear of buses are a scary place to stand at. it seems like there're ghosts or something because VERY few people do stand at the rear oof buses even if there're people standing at the front door being squashed like sardines! i have to go through that kind of crap all the time. especially when i go home from work. its crazy alright. i once had to miss 2 buses because of that. and worse thing is, there're seats available on the upper deck. are upper decks and rear of buses that scary? it makes me wonder, what's wrong with those people? being so very afraid of moving inwards. alright. don't know what else to say here. anyway, i just did this thing from friendster and well, its rather accurate, except for 1 or 2 parts. haha. so, if you're bored, do try it out ya? NOT CHEAT OR IT WON'T WORK AND YOU WILL WISH YOU HADN`T. TAKE 3 MINUTES TRY THIS - IT WILL FREAK YOU OUT. THIS GAME HAS A FUNNY / CREEPY OUTCOME. DO NOT READ AHEAD, JUST DO IT. IT TAKES ABOUT 3 MINUTES - WORTH A TRY 1st. Get PEN and PAPER 2nd. WHEN CHOOSING NAMES, MAKE SURE THEY ARE REAL PEOPLE THAT YOU ACTUALLY KNOW 3rd. GO WITH YOUR FIRST INSTINCTS !!!!! Very important for good results. 4th SCROLL DOWN ONE LINE AT THE TIME DON`T READ AHEAD otherwise YOU WILL RUIN THE FUN. 1. On a blank sheet of paper, WRITE NUMBERS 1 through 11 in a COLUMN on the LEFT. 2. Next to the NUMBERS 1 & 2, WRITE DOWN ANY 2 NUMBERS YOU WANT. DO YOU HAVE A FAVORITE NUMBER? 3. Next to the NUMBERS 3 & 7, WRITE DOWN THE NAMES OF TWO MEMBERS OF THE OPPOSITE SEX. SAME SEX IF GAY CAUTION: DO NOT LOOK AHEAD or IT WILL NOT TURN OUT RIGHT 4. WRITE ANYONES NAME (like FRIENDS or FAMILY...) next to 4, 5, & 6. DON`T CHEAT OR YOU`LL BE UPSET THAT YOU DID 5. WRITE down FOUR SONG TITLES in 8, 9, 10, & 11 6. Finally, MAKE A WISH ARE YOU READY? HERE IS THE KEY TO THE GAME 1. THE NUMBER of PEOPLE THAT LIKE YOU is found in SPACE 2 2. THE PERSON IN SPACE 3 IS THE ONE YOU LOVE 3. THE PERSON YOU LIKE but your relationship CANNOT WORK is in SPACE 7 4. YOU CARE MOST about the PERSON you put in SPACE 4 5. THE PERSON YOU NAME IN NUMBER 5 IS THE ONE WHO KNOWS YOU VERY WELL. 6. THE PERSON YOU NAMED IN 6 IS YOUR LUCKY STAR 7. THE SONG IN 8 IS THE SONG THAT MATCHES WITH THE PERSON IN NUMBER 3 8. THE TITLE IN 9 IS THE SONG FOR THE PERSON IN 7 9. THE 10TH SPACE IS THE SONG THAT TELLS YOU MOST ABOUT YOUR MIND 10. AND 11 IS THE SONG TELLING HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT LIFE 11. NUMBER 1 IS YOUR LUCKY NUMBER with love, xoxo mc again
26.6.07 @ 14:31 yes, i'm at home. and yes, i took mc today, again. so now i've only 3 more days of mc that i can take. 3 more days ... in another 3 months. that's more than enough. last night talked with jolene and webster on our way to the bus stop. talked and talked and talked. 2 emo girls and a happy guy. hah. how much weirder can a conversation get? these days, i don't really look forward to band pracs anymore. or at least i don't look forward to it as much as i did. maybe its because of the absence. but i don't know. i no longer make an effort to get out of work as early as possible to get on the earliest and fastest bus ride to get back to school. take yesterday for example. i reached the bus stop at 6.10 and instead of taking 93 which will get me to tp fastest, i took 157 and transfered to 8. the total time i took was like 1.5hours. which means that i reached band room around 7.40? ya. if i had taken 93, i would have reached at 7.15, because 6.15's 93 is the earlier bus compared to the normal one that i take. so, what does this mean? am i getting bored of band? i don't know. maybe something else is lacking too. i'm not sure what. or maybe, i'm just in a state of confusion where i don't really know anything for sure. when i'm in band, i feel irritated. especially last night when lihong was trying hard to talk to the band and people are just talking non-stop. i kept shh-ing people but they just keep on talking. why can't everyone just be quiet for 5minutes and let lihong finish what he has to say? is it that diffiicult? i don't understand. i'm not targeting anyone in particular here. i'm talking about in a whole. everyone's talking or playing or doing their own stuff, loudly. not many were quietly listening to him. or at least from what i saw. i feel kind of detached from those i were close to. first, my secondary school best friend, joanna. i read her blog but yet i don't know what's happening in her life now. maybe its my fault that i didn't go out with her since last year. but i don't know. everything's different now. second, my course friends, georgina and kareen. me and kareen were close in 2.1 but since 2.2 till now, i haven't really talked with her like i did in 2.1. is it my fault again that i didn't ask her out for lunch or dinner? georgie. i haven't talked to her face to face since jiazhen's chalet, which is like 3 months since then. she's always busy i guess, with work, church and of course her boyfriend. i'm just hoping that everytime i ask her about her and him, she won't tell me she's quarrelling with him again. and of course, most importantly, my band people. its weird, because in band, the only person that i really talk my heart out now is jolene. other than her, i rarely talk with the rest, like randy, eden, hanna, olivia, isaac (other than irritating each other), zhexing, matthew, mark, law wei ... the list goes on. back in my year 2 days, all of us had so much to crap about, from band to school to everything under the sun. but now, the group of us rarely really talk. maybe just an exchange of 1 or 2 sentences along the corridor or in the band room after practice. i don't know, all of us seem so distant now. is it just me or is it the truth? this is what happens when you're at home, sitting in front of the laptop, not knowing what to do with the rest of the afternoon and end up thinking about things. when i went to the doctor this morning, i asked her, why do i have migranes? she said: "hmm, maybe you should learn to relax more. you can try swimming (at this point in time my mom said, she can't swim. and i said what about dry swimming? :D) or yoga or meditation. maybe its just stress." actually, she might not be really answering to my question, but what she says does make sense. its been a really long time since i've had a good long laugh or a good time playing and stuff. maybe its time i take time out and relax, not slack. stress? i don't feel stress. but even last night, webster said that i look stress. but the thing is i don't know what i'm stressed about. maybe its nothing? i need a massage to relax now. on a happier note, last night, we found out more words that jolene can't really pronounce. - vegetables - 心理作用 - social studies don't worry jolene, you'll get those words right someday. practice makes perfect, so ... keep saying those words!! haha. with love, xoxo la la la
23.6.07 @ 18:30 driving is driving me crazy. especially when its THAT instructor. with him around, i can't drive. craziness. it makes me so stressed to have to drive with that instructor. madness! teenage years are the time when people do crazy things. its kind of sad for me though, because i've not really done anything crazy in the past 8 years. when i say crazy, i mean REALLY crazy. like jumping off the bed and landing head first on the floor crazy. not the start laughing in the middle of the night at 3am at home kind of crazy. and the saddest thing is, i've only about 14 months before the first number of my age starts with 2! so, i've made it a point to do something crazy before i turn 20. of course, with that, i'll need some help and ... brainstorming to come up with a list like 'top 10 crazy things people do in their teens'. ideas anyone? haha. have you ever wondered about homosapiens? i'm not talking about thinking of someone. but more of like, what's the reason for us to be in the particular location on this big globe. would things be different for us if we were born in another continent, another country, another city instead of where we are now? would we still have met those people that we met? a wonder of the world that i'll never understand. Labels: muse with love, xoxo i'm here~!
22.6.07 @ 23:18 yes, my beloved people. i'm back. if not for the promise that i'll blog tonight, i would most probably be slowly falling asleep while watching tv. you see, how much i sacrifice for you people. haha. ya, the past few nights reach home, SLEEP at like 9 or 10pm. only last night slept late because i had to charge my phone. don't know why, just very tired. its like my daily routine became wake up, work, eat, sleep. kind of pathetic eh? tomorrow. driving lesson!!! like finally, after 2 months, i'm going to drive again. i hope i get the nice instructor, not the one that keep telling me i change gear too hard, too slow. when i told my dad about it, he felt that i did the right thing and i wasn't wrong. so ya, i'd rather listen to my dad in this case. haha. *only hear the good things, doesn't that sound like selective listening?lol.* i'm so tired. still have to write my ejournal later or i won't have time to write during the weekend. sunday still have to go cut hair. need to make up my sleep. zzz. hmm, oh ya, did that option selection thing this morning. chose marketing as first choice, followed by broadcast and last but not least, journalism. i'm a lazy bum, what to expect. haha. marketing's good for me because i kind of have moronic ideas that are so crazy that they might actually work. broadcast is an interest for my tv production side, but there's the weekly assignments that makes it crazy. journalism, no i don't hate it. i just don't like it. i can't write for nuts. and i just don't like having people asking me for my assignments everytime, but that's what has to be done in journalism no? ah well, i hope i get into marketing. if only there were radio/audio. that would definitely have been my FIRST choice. well, marketing!!!! oh ya. the most important thing!!! my baby laptop's going to be 2 years old this sunday!! happy birthday to you happy birthday to you!!! happy birthday my baby! happy birthday to you!!! fine. call me crazy for being happy that my baby's 2 years old. :P hmm. sometimes i wonder. am i supposed to be born a girl. i can't really put a finger to what's so un-feminine about myself. but sometimes i do think if i should have been borned a boy. maybe its my personality that makes me feel like a guy. don't know whats wrong. but have you ever wondered about this kind of question? or am i just the weird one here? haha. yeah. i finally finished my ejournal. but i think i kind of crapped through it. worse than my normal ones. and definitely shorter than my last ejournal. bleh. alright. think i'm addicted to posting pictures. so here it goes. end off this entry with random pictures again. p.s. jolene, don't say i never blog ok. haha. ![]() ![]() Labels: photos with love, xoxo photos!
17.6.07 @ 21:04 more photos from yesterday taken in band room! ![]() with love, xoxo attack of the PHOTOS!
@ 03:56 caution. below is a very long post because of pictures and stuff. if you're lazy to read the words, just look at the pictures ba. :) 4.7 class gathering. marina bay. wednesday, 13/6/2007. 4.7 class gathering, in the middle of the week. 12 of us met up and went for steamboat. eat and eat and eat for like 3hours. took quite alot of pictures. well, a picture speaks a thousand words, so look at them ba. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() reached home at 12.30am. the rest of them continued to jeremy's house to ton. guess they enjoyed themselves ba. tp band camp + bbq. thursday + friday, 14/6/2007 - 15/6/2007. haha. i amazingly reached the camp at like 4.30pm. no, i wasn't running away from work early. i followed my colleague back to tp for an interview. so since it ended early, just go for camp straight lar. upon arrival, i saw the shock face from jolene. but well, joined in the practice for an hour half before we went for the bbq. now, that's the fun part. the group of us were sitting at a corner and talked, and totally forgot about the food, or should i say the food forgot about us. so went to take food and stuff. fed my babies.actually i fed jolene, eden, webster, grace, jing ting, law wei and lihong. then our beloved moron eden said i'm like some kind of bird bringing food to the babies because jolene and him were both sitting on the floor then i'm like standing up feeding them. ![]() ![]() ![]() anyway, after the bbq, when all the rest are bathing, jolene, olivia, eden, hariani and me play poker while hanna busy reading. play play till midnight then go over the bbq pit to find baldwin, gareth and beiyi.talked a little and went over to design lt to watch swing girls. 2am in the morning and the 4 of us(me, jolene, hariani, eden) went to bathe at deisgn, in the guys toilet. haha. so fun lar. bathing in the boys toilet. ended up taking photos with jolene there. ![]() ![]() after that, breakfast at mac with the same people! so fun lar. stupid eden. now then i know he thinks that i'm scary. moron. its so funny lar. playing with cards at 3am to 4am. then we go get our breakfast. play and play. went back school at 5am. slack while everyone's sleeping. had so much fun disturbing jolene's sleep. hahaha. didn't sleep for the whole night. bleh. ended up so tired at work lar. dozed off quite a few times. lucky my boss on leave. haha. ![]() ![]() tp bird park bird performance. jurong bird park. saturday, 16/6/2007. birdies~! cute little penguins. those little birdies that can't fly. we played and went walking around. play pool after that and a HUGE joke came out. but i'm not going to say what it is. :p ![]() ![]() ![]() by the way, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_ZaMtOO-OI thats where the video of us taking picture in the band room is! or you can watch it here! others ah well, the week's fun. busy with those 3 things. hmm, was very happy when i saw him. you know, its like those 'i-see-you-and-my-face-lights-up' kind of thing. i'm going to say something i think i said a couple months back, he looks good in shirt. hee. and he sure looks cute there. hee. cute sweet guy. i'll think of you constantly. everyday, every night. hoping that you're thinking of me too. wishing that you're happy with what you're doing and not be sad about what you should have been doing elsewhere. look on the brighter side of life. like i said 2 years back, if its not bright enough, i'll take a torchlight and make it brighter for you. yes, work is important, but do take care of yourself. falling sick won't help in work, instead, it'll hinder it. i'll wait for you, although i don't know how long more. but i hope you'll come back someday. be happy alright? i'll be happy when i see you happy. with love, xoxo baldwin's back~
12.6.07 @ 22:16 BIG NEWS baldwin's back!! haha. in case you've got memory as good as Dorry's, he's the guy in the picutre! (the picture's taken on 10 March 2006 after our concert Music Madness) our beloved baldwin! haha. *he went to UK last september and is now back for holidays* ya, so he's here! baldwin, olivia, jolene darling, hariani, webster and me went for supper last night and talked quite alot. ![]() ********************************************** my diet plan is going out the window. take a look at this. tomorrow lunch: at a particular 5-star hotel with my colleague and the 'king of food' for a program. tomorrow dinner: steamboat at marina bay for class gathering! thanks to mr peter tang shih lei. marvellous isn't it. so there goes my diet plans. out the window, down that drain, into the deep blue ocean. ********************************************** ah well, last night after the supper was walking with jolene and olivia and we talked quite a WHOLE lot. talked about him, him and him. and they are 3 different people. although we did add another interesting him in our conversation by making fun of him, but well, in simpler words we were talking about guys. (that solves it.) yes i know, jolene is probably saying "aiyo, can she faster get to her chim thing?" and my answer is, not yet. haha :P. anyway, so the conversation brought about some ... memories and things for me to think about. and i don't know why, but i just kept thinking about him last night. before i sleep. its more than my normal dose of him. i miss him so much. randy once said, absence makes the heart grow fonder. well, i do agree. but if the absence is like ... too much, it surpasses the level of the heart growing fonder. its far beyond that level now. when we were together, he did something very sweet for me, a poem he wrote. i remembered asking him, if he thinks of me at work and he's able to write a poem, what about during ****?, won't he be able to write *****? but now, i totally understand how he was able to do it at that time. because i did exactly the same thing. in the west and in the east, up in the sky the same moon we see. thoughts of you bring joy to my heart, wonders if i lead joy to your beat. alright fine, maybe its not that rhyming, but at least the rhythm's right. i guess he did love me more than i loved him at that time, or he wouldn't have been able to do that sweet thing he did. i guess love has a way of bringing out the side of us that no one knows, sometimes, not even ourselves. i couldn't believe my eyes when i read through it again. it's more of ah gal's kind of thing than mine. he's good with those chim words. i'm not. i won't be surprised if this kind of thing appeared on ah gal's blog. but i myself am shocked to see that i can think of such thing. to hold your hand in mine once again, that's my wish. ***** *** **** ****!! do you know how much i care for you?! do you know how much i miss you?! do you know how much i love you?! Labels: work with love, xoxo lin yu zhong
9.6.07 @ 16:07 i was doing my ejournal and i remembered something. on wednesday, i went for lin yu zhong's press conference. before that i wasn't really a fan of his. i just like his song xuan lu. but after the press conference, i had to say i changed my mind. his other songs are nice too. his live singing is good and he is so shuai. haha. here's a photo of him i took when he was singing a medley of 3 of his songs. ![]() lol. anyway. think i'll go borrow his cd somehow. haha. anyone has his cd can lend me? :) Labels: work with love, xoxo random-ness
@ 01:50 hah. boredem kills more brain cells than active brain usage. neh, its not scientifically proven. its just something i thought of. random-ness. ah well. i was bored at work again. this 2 weeks i'm kind of bored at work. been playing games till i'm going immune to the 'adrenaline-rush' that i'm supposed to have for those action games. so you can really guess how bored i am. ******************** been having this problem recently. don't really want to talk about it. its not that i'm not trying to make things right. i am. but sadly you just don't see it that way. i tried asking you to talk things out. but well, maybe you didn't see it or maybe you just can't be bothered. i don't know. i want to talk this problem out. i've asked. now its up to you if you want this problem to be settled once and for all, or just be left as the way as it is. ******************** ah well, been kind of tired recently. i've been having at least 6hours of sleep. but i always feel so sleepy in the morning. its like i can never have enough sleep. always tired. and worse still when at work there's nothing much to do, the i-want-to-sleep feeling just creeps in. haix. what's wrong with me eh? sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep. something i need. ******************** at supper. was laughing our lungs out with olivia, hariani and the all time laugh-inducer randy. kept laughing and laughing. and the funniest part, calling jolene. all of us laughing and jolene on the other side laughing. 5 people laughing at 2 different mcdonald's. oh man. the weirdest thing. when randy's asking olivia about her age preferences. and suddenly i said the words 'upper limit'. i was thinking, 'where on earth did that word come from? oh ya, its maths!' and conversations continued and randy mentioned the word mean. and i blurted out 'mean is the average.' haha. seems like maths came into my mind tonight. don't ask me why. it just happened! haha. maths. something that i've been doing for a long long time. ******************** bleh. i miss him. been thinking about him to sleep these few nights. the fun. joy. love. ah well. think that'll be it for now. off to my anime chiong-ing and chatting! woow! Labels: work with love, xoxo 5.6.07 @ 22:29 cried, i did. saddened, i was. hurt, i felt. disappointment, i sensed. with love, xoxo hmm.
@ 20:45 pirates~! so nice~! it didn't even feel like 3hours on that chair (although my butt was hurting like crap). but the show is damm nice. i'll definitely watch it again if i can. wahaha. anyway, before i went to meet chanya, jillian and zhexing for the movie yesterday, i nearly gone crazy with that woman sitting beside me on the bus. i receive sms, i reply. she kept staring at my phone! come on, i need my private space. i don't need her to stare at my phone when i'm replying my friend's sms! ms chuah came to visit yesterday (finally). i accompanied her to wait for cheryl and her supervisor at the reception. i mentioned to her that her blog is emo and guess what she said. she said something like its not emo, its in agony. and only when one is in agony can one produce poems and chim stuff. its weird eh. at the end when i think back on it. talking to ms chuah is so ... interesting. really. i'm not lying here. its really ... (crap i can't find the right word) ... interesting. it makes you think. its like listening to randy talk about chim stuff. but divide the level of chim-ness by 10 and multiply the thought-provoking-ness by 10. its that interesting. (hmm, why am i going anti-chronologically?) oh yes, saturday. i shopped for shoes. actually, sandals. i'll let the picture do the talking. ![]() oh ya, the worst thing. today. i was half an hour late for work. no, its not because i woke up late. but because of a stupid traffic jam. and then when i was coming back. i got to the bus stop at 6.10pm. and guess what time the stupid bus came. 6.56pm. i waited for a full 46min! come on lar. its time they increase the frquency of the bus trips man. its just irritating. ah well. enough of anger. another picture now. ![]() alright. think that's enough. blehx. with love, xoxo sleep
3.6.07 @ 17:48 i'm so sleepy and tired. slept for 10hours before i woke up this morning. i slept another 2 hours just now. and i'm still sleepy. wanted to go jogging but ended up being so tired that i'm lazy to change. haix. sleepy bug. tomorrow going watch pirates, like finally. if we watch the 8.45 show, we're going to finish it only at like 11.45, which means that i'll reach home at like 12.30. and my mom's going to nag nag nag. had my personal pirates marathon last night. chiong the movies till half way through the second one, jillian message me say today change to tomorrow. haix. shall be it for now. too tired to type long long. tada. hmm, don't be so sad. things will be better in the future. must remember to smile. :) with love, xoxo random
1.6.07 @ 22:18 giving up/letting go requires alot of courage. i admit. i don't have that much courage. why the sudden emo-ness you may ask. no, this is not emo-ness. its just something i thought of on my way home just now. you know, long bus rides are actually helpful sometimes. it gives me time to think. not just about work and music and band. but about life. you know, those 'chim' things that people think about. sometimes i get amused by the chim things i think about. its like 'hmm, where did that thought come from?hmm.' ************ erm. i've got something that i want to explain. if i hate a person, i'll walk by that person and call him/her a b***h/b*****d. if i don't like a person, i'll just ignore the person. plus, i don't hate anyone now. so DO NOT put words in my mouth saying that i hate anyone. i just don't like people, or to be exact, 2 persons. although one's more of a joke now. *evil laugh* but well, i still don't adore the joke. and the other, i simply want to ignore and treat as invisible. i'm sorry to say, i take first impressions rather seriously. there's only 1 person whose first impression was bad and now ended up as a friend, or maybe just an acquaintance. and that person is none other than xiao qian, nicholas i mean. ************ quite a number of things are happening around my friends recently. a breakup, a don't-see-a-point-in-continuing-relationship. some waiting. a moving-on. hai. relationships. can't live with them 'cause of the arguements and quarrels. can't live without them 'cause everyone deserves someone to love them. no matter how evil or bad they may be. ************ hmm, i'm slowly becoming wary of a person. i don't know. its just a thought that the person might be kind of risky. maybe i'm just paranoid. hmm. ah well, think that shall be it for now. blehx. :) arh~ attack of the random photos!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() with love, xoxo |