rainbow bottledsand- bottledsand- bottledsand- bottledsand- meteora looking forward to TAIWAN trip sunshine public holidays money drop from up above exercise schedule bees roses amanda april aqidah baldwin benson boon heng clement sim desmond quek eden eileen aw georgina ooi hariani huizhen jaclyn jasmine jerome joanna mai jocelin tan jolene tan jonathan tan joyce jing ting kareen kenny tan khairul le ying lihong louisa tan marlina mark toh matthew meijuan melissa leong ms chuah mu en qing hui randy raphael razanah shuyi/suming/weishan stefenie wang min wei jie yile yong woei zhi mei zhuo jie daisies > October 2004 > November 2004 > December 2004 > January 2005 > February 2005 > March 2005 > April 2005 > May 2005 > June 2005 > July 2005 > August 2005 > September 2005 > October 2005 > November 2005 > December 2005 > January 2006 > February 2006 > March 2006 > April 2006 > May 2006 > June 2006 > July 2006 > August 2006 > September 2006 > October 2006 > November 2006 > December 2006 > January 2007 > February 2007 > March 2007 > April 2007 > May 2007 > June 2007 > July 2007 > August 2007 > September 2007 > October 2007 > November 2007 > December 2007 > January 2008 > February 2008 > March 2008 > April 2008 > May 2008 > June 2008 > July 2008 > August 2008 > September 2008 > October 2008 > November 2008 > December 2008 > January 2009 > February 2009 > March 2009 > April 2009 > May 2009 > July 2009 > November 2009 > June 2010 credits skin by: Jane |
25.8.07 @ 22:05 current msn nickname: .fluffy - lost current msn private message: *can i have a mcfluffy please? current music: first love/addicted to you - tokyo kosei winds why this current-ish stuff? well, i don't know. maybe because it simply portrays me now? haha. anyway, i'm not emo-ing. just the same as last night, i wasn't emo-ing. last night ... i was just ... tired and bored i guess? ya. tired-ness could have been chased away by fun. but well, last night's dinner/supper wasn't the least fun, at least after we finished our food. ANYWAY, let's talk about the fun part. the funniest part last night was when we went to order our food. and the conversation went: me: jol, what you eating? jol: don't know leh. what you eating? me: don't know. mcfluffy? eric (walks to the counter): can i have a mcfluffy? lolx! ***************************************************** hmm, so bored. so tired. so seh. oh ya, anyone want mahjong next weekend, maybe saturday? alright. think that'll be it for now. movie watching later on my baby. miss my fluffies! 21 days to go. ****************************************** i got bored and searched for Virgo under wikipedia. its interesting to see how people born under virgo can be ... described. haha. enjoy~! (bolded italic-ed are own comments. haha.) Characteristics Virgo is actually the sixth sign of the Zodiac, a set of astrological signs. It is associated with purity and service. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a diligent, analytical, self-sufficient, controlled, orgerly, and modest character. (nods in agreement) The Virgo person is practical, industrious, efficient, full of sass, thorough, methodical, exacting, precise, detail-oriented, observent, critical, work and service oriented, painstaking, pragmatic, discreet, health and cleanliness conscious, mentally active, and flexible. (nods even more) They can also be fussy, nervous, pedantic, petty, and over-critical, and be prone to perfectionism, coldness, and hypochondria. (really meh?) Relationships In love the Virgo person is strictly conventional, with refined manners and modest and well-tempered display of emotion and affection. (agree) However, there is a tendency for some to develop sexual idiosyncrasies (what?!) and harmless perversions, out of an exaggerated desire for technique and purity. (hmm) Virgos tend to couple based on financial security and gain more than any other sign.(no leh.) Love and Sex Suitable occupations are where analytical and practical, methodical qualities are needed; such as teacher, psychologist, nursing and health and hygiene sectors, scientist, accountant, secretary, inspector. Most virgos go into the medical field.(no wonder i kept regretting not taking AS courses. lolx.) Famous Virgos Michael Jackson (!!!) Stephen King Mother Teresa Sir Sean Connery (The first actor to portray James Bond) with love, xoxo more pics!
22.8.07 @ 21:18 guess what? i broke my specs. a small part of it that is. so i paid a little visit to jeremy's parents' shop last night to get a new pair. when i try out the new pair of specs, all i said to my mom is "i look smarter in these eh". haha. so i'm getting the new ones this saturday. hah. i'm going to look smart! tomorrow night's kbox night with my colleagues. lets just hope i don't go out of tune. lolx. friday night! movie night with my favourite people, jolene, olivia, randy and eric! hmm, wonder what we're going to watch then. last night, i was watching discovery channel and i saw this documentary. its about childbirth. *don't ask why i was watching it* so ya, after seeing the 3 women give birth, i was ... intimidated. you see, the mother has to squeeze a baby's head out of that small little opening. but after the painful process, the 3 women were happy. its just like how we feel when we squeezed ourselves into that crowd and stand for an hour just to see 15minutes of fireworks. but its more than that. mothers suffered for 9months before these little miracles are born into the world. you see, life is a beautiful miracle. from 2 cells with 23 chromosomes each, they end up as millions of cells. we are born being most defenseless, but we are able to survive through, even with those microbes, bacteria and viruses around us. amazing ain't it? *argh, chim stuff. lolx.* anyway, as promised, here're pics of the second day's fireworks. they're not as nice as the first day's. but well, i enjoyed myself on both days! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() hmm, that's it le ba. can't really think of what else to write. will be back when i can think of what to write. haha. i miss my movie people! ta-dah~! with love, xoxo fireworks!!!!
19.8.07 @ 17:45 fireworks!! yeah!!! friday night's was better! more designs and colours as compared to saturday night's. so friday night. only me, jolene, eric and qizheng went. because all the other geniuses thought we were only going on saturday. but well, they missed the nicer fireworks. wahaha. i recorded the fireworks and here are some nice shots!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() my favourite! the heartshape fireworks! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() after fireworks olivia came and meet us and we went to pan pacific hotel and took their lift! ![]() ![]() ![]() reached home at like 1am? and my mom was like nagging and nagging and nagging. but the fireworks video made her happy! haha. saturday's driving was amazingly smooth. the irritating uncle was nice eh. and so it was a happy driving experience. then fireworks again! met jolene and olivia opposite driving center and met razanah, zhexing, qinghui, desmond, eric, qi zheng, jerome and judith at raffles mrt. we got bored waiting for qizheng, jerome and judith so jolene came up with the name changing thing where she exchange name with olivia, qinghui exchange with desmond, zhexing exchange with razanah (ahem) and stuff like that. in the end i'm left with no other name to choose from and i was called randy (bleh). oh ya, randy didn't join us for fireworks because he was still at work. (too bad boy!) but well, it wasn't as nice as friday's so i don't think he missed out much. but he did meet us after fireworks for supper. haha. *haven't done screenshots of day 2's fireworks. will do it when i'm free and upload them.* you see, the second night's fireworks are ... smokey. so here's presenting to you a smokey singapore! ![]() ![]() on the (last available) train back home, qinghui had this really UNGLAM picture of her taken ... by me! haha. she don't mind the scary pic here. haha. oh ya, and the two bar top dancers with their ... erm ... gay pose. hahaha. ![]() ![]() what you see below here are 2 pictures taken by randy and qinghui. EVIL randy, ask him take photo take till like that. stupid. at least qinghui better. (even though its shaky) hahaha. ![]() ![]() oh ya, and of course not forgetting jolene's pictures! haha. from friday~ *i didn't even know this pic was taken!!* and from saturday~ yes, i was eating mcfluffy! haha. think that'll be it. ya, i know, loads of pictures and little words. but come to think of it, if a picture = 1000words, there will be like 31000 words already! i'm still so in the fireworks mood lar. haha. will be back! *i love fireworks!!* Labels: photos with love, xoxo stars and fireworks
14.8.07 @ 21:37 was bored on my way home. *thanks to someone who took 1hour before replying my message* and i thought of something. well, you see, smoking is bad for health right? it causes lung cancer and what nots. but why is it that i know some smokers who are ... good looking and ... ya. why? why?? why??? i don't understand. sigh. hmm, last night watched movie in project room with jolene, olivia, randy and eric. watched 'night in museum'. all i have to say is, the dino so cute!!! especially when its drinking water from the water cooler. and the dum dum gum gum. oh man, CUTE! *ya, i know its been quite some time since the movie came out, but i didn't watch it ma.* haha, its nice watching movie with them. ;) then came supper, where as usual randy left us to eat alone. that boi. finally i had my pork hor fun lar. the last time i ordered they gave me pork bee hoon. aiyo, hor fun and bee hoon very different leh. (omg, i sound like an aunty. lolx.) the four of us were like in very different parts of the world at the playground. jolene -> trying to spin off the sitting thing olivia -> stoning (hmm, reminds me of dum dum), eric ->looking funny with his specs staring at the stars me -> trying my best to locate stars but can't seem to find more than 2 ah well, fireworks on friday!!! yeah~!i love fireworks. friday faster come!! :D hmm, anyone want to watch the jay chou movie <不能说的秘密> Secret? alright, that shall be it now. will be back when i'm bored. :) with love, xoxo omg!
11.8.07 @ 23:59 omg! my baby laptop gave me a HUGE scare. i doze off while watching bleach. and the next thing i realise, my laptop screen turned black! and it was not in sleep mode! i couldn't even off my laptop. i had to pluck out the battery and unplug the switch. its really scary. LUCKILY, my baby survived the scare. *phew* i'm sorry my baby laptop, i won't doze off on you again. i love you!!! with love, xoxo i love ... because ... & house
@ 23:01 Instruction: Each player of this game starts off with five things they like about their bodies. People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own the five things they love about their bodies as well. Start every line wth "I love ... because ...". I assure you, you might just surprise yourself by how difficult it is to come up with this list. At the end you must choose as many people as you'd like to be tagged and list their names. No tagbacks. *i've to say, i can't come up with them quick, cause i'm not obsessed with myself. i'm no 自恋狂.* 1) i love my toenails because the nail polish don't come off easily. 2) i love my organs because i can't live without them. 3) i love my 5 senses because without them, i won't be able to touch, see, listen, taste and smell the wonders of this world. 4) i love extensions of my body (instrument, laptop, etc) because they make my life more worthwhile. 5) i love myself (自爱) because if i don't love myself, i can't expect people around to love me. ;) tagged: qing hui, randy, yile, anyone! Based on your drawing and the 10 answers you gave this is a summary of your personality: You are sensitive and indecisive at times. You are a freedom lover and a strong person. You are shy and reserved. If you've drawn a cross on each of windows, you always want to live alone. Once you have a problem, you need a friend with you. Your life is always full of changes. You will avoid being alone and seek the company of others whenever possible. You love excitement and create it wherever you go. You see the world as it is, not as you believe it should be. You added a flower into your drawing. The flower signifies that you long for love. It also safe to say that others don't see you as a flirt. You don't think much about yourself. with love, xoxo al fine
@ 21:56 i'm back from kbox! haha. its been a long time since i went kbox. sang like crazy with lily, april and melissa. haha. *hmm, my mind's in a blank. wonder why.* hmm, i've sort things out. mr S is now the past. or at least that's what i think i'm sure of now. after waiting for 2 years, i feel that i've had my fair share of waiting and risk taking (although some might not take that as risk taking). and ... the feeling faded. even when i saw him recently, i don't feel the way i thought i would have felt. although i did take a few glances when he left, but ... i think that's that le ba. i don't know how to explain, but ... ya. ah well, tomorrow ... tv time. the remaining of the night ... playing that impossible quiz . i can't wait till friday for fireworks~! i love fireworks. i always have this 'dream' of watching fireworks with the guy who matters. haha. oh man, what am i going to do on monday, wednesday and friday nights for the next few weeks? television or ... ? i want to go back to school for lectures and tutorials. i miss those things. bleh. anyway, think that'll be it for now. can't really think of what to say. blehx. be back soon. with love, xoxo randomly random
8.8.07 @ 19:05 oh my gosh. i'm still at work at this time. i'm waiting for it to be 8.30pm to put up that podcast. bleh. i'm bored. its kind of sad. people dying everywhere. first was the guy who jumped onto the mrt tracks last night at tampines. i just saw the news that there's an indian labourer who got killed while at work. why so many deaths? not going to watch NDP tomorrow. nobody's going. haix. never mind. next saturday go and watch the fireworks thing with me alright jolene? i love stars. i love the moon. i love fireworks. fireworks makes me happy. with all that colour, all that style. those are the little things that make me happy. hmm, need to keep myself entertained for the next hour and a half in case i fall asleep. haha. alright. Happy National Day all! x i want to watch fireworks. T_T x with love, xoxo tracks?
7.8.07 @ 21:53 hmm. tampines mrt station, jump, police, line. from sentences with that. at tampines mrt station today, a person jumped onto the tracks. the police were informed and a police line was put up along the westward bound platform. well, at least that's what i think happened. shimin came to my office today for an interview. she stayed with me till i knocked off and went back together. its good, once in a while, to have this kind of sessions with her. talked about our friends, guys and relationships. well, i really hope that there would be more sessions like this with her because its like we can talk about everything under the sun, even things that i wasn't sure of, which i came to be more sure of now. hah. interview at TCA this morning. it went alright. those guys can speak chinese quite well, better than i expected at least. ate at top level during lunch. yummy~! i love the salmon. it melts in your mouth. mmm~! anyway. ya, saw shawn there. crap with him a while. but the main point is, the salmon is DELICIOUS! and i realise something else while i was there. it has a nice atmosphere, and its great for couples. if only they open at night too, they will have plenty of business! haha. tomorrow. national day eve. staying at work till 8.30 earliest. so bleady late. trying to find people for supper. but oli's not going band tomorrow. jolene have some steamboat thingy i think. how how? are we still watching the fireworks on thursday? i'm thinking it through. very carefully. am i ready to fully let go. am i ready to like and love. will i regret. do i have the courage to let go, like and love. these are questions that i have to answer to myself. for the first time in two years i have that feeling again. that feeling that i had before 'he' and 'me' became 'us', before we knew how each other felt, on those walks after studying together. sigh, i don't dare to think. Labels: work with love, xoxo long long long entry.
4.8.07 @ 23:07 after 7 days of entry-less and 4 days of complains, here i am. (with a LONG entry) p.s. this entry is written over 5hours. with additional paragraphs as time goes by. so, do pardon me if you feel that the paragraphs don't link. work has been kind of crazy. but i went to JAY CHOU's press conference for his movie SECRET on monday. it was kind of fun. took loads of pictures. most of them are not really well focused. but i tried my best. with all the professional photographers squeezing me with their digital SLRs. there's room for improvement on my photography skills ya? *see the last picture? jay chou's looking straight at the camera!! have been staring at photoshop the past few days at work. took me quite some time to realise how to do a rather simple thing. pathetic eh? work's still the same otherwise. suddenly feel so stressed at work. not because of gabriel's high standards for work done, but more of like i've only 8 more weeks to go, but there's so much that i have not done. like editing for 1st avenue (which is making me go nuts. sooner or later i'm going to pull my hair out listening to the interview.), editing the cosfest program (which is going to be aired 2 weeks from now. ) and loads of other stuff. can i finish all of them in time? sigh. alright. enough of work stuff. let's talk about band ba. concert's on november 2nd. guys are going to look like cute little penguins. girls are going to look so under-dressed. let's just hope we'll play properly. ![]() *that's how people like randy, eden and eric are going to look like. lolx now i understand why singapore's birth rate's dropping. when the couples get home after a long day at work, they're too tired to ... make babies. otherwise, they'll be completing their work at home, which kills the urge to make babies. just think about it, i'm only doing my internship, and by the time i reach home i'm so tired. within 1hour of lying on the bed, i'm asleep. what about those who are working their butts off? most probably they'll sleep within 15minutes! even if the couples do go on holiday, they've to worry if their work back home is done properly. they can't even make babies in peace on holiday. sigh. that's sad. ![]() hmm, while i was driving today, someone FLASHed me. sickening moron. can't you see that huge L plate infront? in broad daylight you have to FLASH me with your big headlights! hey its not like i don't have a headlight ok? i've got 2! flash somemore, wait till i get my license and i'll FLASH you back. stupid FLASHER. great. i'm writing my ejournal, and i hear a continuous eek-eek-eek-eek sound in my room. can that living thing that goes eek-eek-eek-eek please exit my room through the window and give me some peace please. and the worse thing is i can't figure out where the sound is coming from. argh! oh no. 2 of my pet fish are dead. and my dad say 2 more are on their way. haix. why, fishy, why must you die? anyway, i'm FINALLY done with that thing called ejournal. *phew* i totally love mayday's new fast songs. haha. chunks of lyrics below. 私奔到月球 by 五月天with陳綺貞 chorus 一二三 牵着手 四五六 抬起头 七八九 我们私奔到月球 让双脚 去腾空 让我们 去感受 那无优的真空 那月色纯真的感动 抓狂 by 五月天 我要飞 而你却像 埋葬梦想的高墙 我要跳 而你却像 地心引力的蛮强 很不爽 我很不爽 不要让我更不爽 快抓狂 我快抓狂 不要搞不清状况 我要飞 而你却像 埋葬梦想的高墙 我要跳 而你却像 地心引力的蛮强 是你让大气缺氧 是你把天堂弄脏 是你把地球变成 我的战场 快抓狂 快抓狂 是火药装满心脏 是血管装满岩浆 呼吸也不能呼吸 呼吸呼吸 快抓狂 快抓狂 要怎样 不然你想要怎样 要怎样 我们现在就明讲 谁怕谁 看谁先让谁投降 谁怕谁 谁叫你要让我抓狂 恨是火 愤怒是钢 我是沸腾的胆量 为什么 要生存在 天使坠落的地方 很不爽 我很不爽 不要让我更不爽 快抓狂 我快抓狂 不要搞不清状况 是你让大气缺氧 是你把天堂弄脏 是你把地球变成 我的战场 快抓狂 快抓狂 是火药装满心脏 是血管装满岩浆 呼吸也不能呼吸 呼吸呼吸 快抓狂 快抓狂 要怎样 不然你想要怎样 要怎样 我们现在就明讲 谁怕谁 看谁先让谁投降 谁怕谁 谁叫你要让我抓狂 要怎样 不然你想要怎样 要怎样 我们现在就明讲 谁怕谁 看谁先让谁投降 谁怕谁 谁叫你要让我抓狂 是你让大气缺氧 是你把天堂弄脏 是你把地球变成 我的战场 快抓狂 快抓狂 是火药装满心脏 是血管装满岩浆 呼吸也不能呼吸 呼吸呼吸 快抓狂 快抓狂 是火药装满心脏 是血管装满岩浆 呼吸也不能呼吸 呼吸呼吸 快抓狂 快抓狂 要怎样 不然你想要怎样 要怎样 我们现在就明讲 谁怕谁 看谁先让谁投降 谁怕谁 谁叫你要让我抓狂 要怎样 不然你想要怎样 要怎样 我们现在就明讲 谁怕谁 看谁先让谁投降 谁怕谁 谁叫你要让我抓狂 要怎样 不然你想要怎样 要怎样 我们现在就明讲 谁怕谁 看谁先让谁投降 谁怕谁 谁叫你要让我抓狂 抓狂 载 离开地球表面 by 五月天 丢掉手表 丢外套 丢掉背包 再丢唠叨 丢掉电视 丢电脑 丢掉大脑 再丢烦恼 冲啥大 冲啥小 冲啥都有人唱反调 恨的多 爱的少 只想越跳越疯 越跳越高 把地球甩掉 一颗心扑通扑通的狂跳 一瞬间烦恼烦恼烦恼全忘掉 我再也不要 再也不要 委屈自己一秒 一颗心扑通扑通的狂跳 一瞬间烦恼烦恼烦恼全忘掉 我甩掉地球 地球甩掉 只要越跳越高 丢掉手表 丢外套 丢掉背包 再丢唠叨 丢掉电视 丢电脑 丢掉大脑 再丢烦恼 野心大 胆子小 跳舞还要靠别人跳 恨的多 爱的少 只想越跳越疯越跳越高 把地球甩掉 一颗心扑通扑通的狂跳 一瞬间烦恼烦恼烦恼全忘掉 我再也不要 再也不要 委屈自己一秒 一颗心扑通扑通的狂跳 一瞬间烦恼烦恼烦恼全忘掉 我甩掉地球 地球甩掉 只要越跳越高 我甩掉地球 地球甩掉 只要越跳越高 Come on! 一颗心扑通扑通的狂跳 一瞬间烦恼烦恼烦恼全忘掉 我再也不要 再也不要 委屈自己一秒 一颗心扑通扑通的狂跳 一瞬间烦恼烦恼烦恼全忘掉 我甩掉地球 地球甩掉 只要越跳越高 我甩掉地球 地球甩掉 只要越跳越高 Come on! JUMP! JUMP! don't really know what i'm thinking of now. a third of me is telling me to let go. another third tells me to stay put. and the remaining third is telling me to look at something new. sigh. what am i trying to do? this is when my secondary school song title come into good use "Show me the way". haha. my way by frank sinatra And now, the end is near; And so I face the final curtain. My friend, Ill say it clear, Ill state my case, of which Im certain. Ive lived a life thats full. Ive traveled each and evry highway; And more, much more than this, I did it my way. Regrets, Ive had a few; But then again, too few to mention. I did what I had to do And saw it through without exemption. I planned each charted course; Each careful step along the byway, But more, much more than this, I did it my way. Yes, there were times, Im sure you knew When I bit off more than I could chew. But through it all, when there was doubt, I ate it up and spit it out. I faced it all and I stood tall; And did it my way. Ive loved, Ive laughed and cried. Ive had my fill; my share of losing. And now, as tears subside, I find it all so amusing. To think I did all that; And may I say - not in a shy way, No, oh no not me, I did it my way. For what is a man, what has he got? If not himself, then he has naught. To say the things he truly feels; And not the words of one who kneels. The record shows I took the blows - And did it my way! my way. one of the songs that i've play MANY versions of in band. think this is like the third version that i'm playing now. alright. think this is long enough to keep jolene and randy reading for 10minutes. haha. yeah! so ... i'm done. will be back, when i'm back. wohoho. x procrastinators unite! tomorrow. x Labels: band, muse, photos, work with love, xoxo |